Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Canyons of Life

Spent yesterday in the cancer center over in Boise. Any day you get up early and watch the sun rise is a good day. Taking care of yourself is important; clear your head, square your shoulders and and your chin you’ve more doors to go through. you’ve got an army on your six.
The availability of mental health help is atrocious. If you’re on state Medicaid you have options. If you have private insurance you’ll find endless frustration with providers not set up for that, and/or who only deal with Medicaid patients.
Without insurance you are basically ignored. mtmuley
Praying for you man. Have you ever brought her out there in the mountains with you? It's always helped me find inner peace. That being said, I also haven't been faced with the challenges she has.

Something about being far away from everyone and cell service, really makes you think about yourself. I don't know if that would help her or not. I'm glad it helps you. I can't imagine how difficult this is for you let alone the inevitable insurance issues...
I have been catching up with this thread as I sit here listening to my 7 month old daughter cry herself to sleep on the baby monitor. It is equal parts heartbreaking and inspirational. Heartbreaking, because after only 7 months of fatherhood I can at least begin to empathize with and imagine the inner turmoil that you must be going through. The fears you describe for your daughter also make me sick to my stomach just thinking about them for my own.

Inspirational, because you are not only fighting for your daughter(s) to get the help she needs, but you're also legitimately making a difference by sharing your experience and opening up a conversation about it, which is frankly lacking in so many adult (and especially adult men's) lives. I appreciate you sharing this in a brutally honest format, and continuing to update us. I wish you and your family nothing but the best, and I hope you continue to find moments like on that ridgeline to get away and take care of yourself.
You and your family have been in my thoughts since the original post. I don’t really know what to say other than I can tell you’re a good man by your posts here, hang in there, your family needs you.

If you ever feel the urge to come to Texas and hung hogs and small whitetail you have a place.
JLS, You're a good Dad; It might not feel like it at times because we all feel like we are screwing it up! As a parent, I think that its kind of our duty to second guess everything we do or thought we were doing for our children. That just enables us to do better. All we can do is follow what we think is right or best for them at the time and keep moving forward.

You're fighting the fight that you were meant to fight. The scariest challenges always involve our kids or loved ones. It's a roller coaster of feelings and frustration but your doing it. It might not feel like it, but you are doing it.

My thoughts and best wishes are with your family. I can't begin to tell you how much reading this impacted me. Hug your family, and hug them again. I'm hugging mine too.

Thanks for posting

@JLS hang tough in there buddy She's gonna push through this. Never doubt yourself as a parent. I can't even imagine this difficult situation nor do i wish to.

Thoughts and prayers amigo, she's a strong young lady, and I'm pretty certain you've created that with your bride. She will come through this storm.

I can't do much to help or really anything but if i can you just let me know!

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