Calif hunter-There are outfitters out there that make a living totally off of guideing and outfitting, some in the six figure range! Most outfitters are just doing it to make ends meet, I think. This business is getting like any other business and the little guy is being crowded out by the big corporate outfitting businesses, and the big corporate ranches. In the end, an outfitter will have to be big business to survive and the people that use them will have to have deep pockets to use their services and hunt the land that they are leasing up all over the country. Money and greed has taken over our country and the small time mom and pop operations will be a thing of the past much as the small farms and ranches are almost that way right now. Theres no money in it really unless you have the numbers, and the money to back ya to start with. bcat
If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes