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Big Agnes Sleeping Bag Company is located in Steamboat Springs, on the other side of the Continantal Divide. Culturally that's a completely different world.

I don't recall the name of the fellow buying so much of Walden. Its not the guy you mentioned (or at least I don't think its him). There have been a couple articles about the guy I'm talking about in the Rocky Mtn News and/or Denver Post over the last year or so.

This guy made his money in some way connected to a teleevangalist, or so rumor has it. He acquired some other ranch and is near completion of what I read will be the largest log home in the country. He bought a number of the buildings in Walden, and that is why the Sportsman's Supply is no longer there (I did take advantage of their going out of business sale, though). I think he has put a lot of money into the school there as well as offered to do some facelifting of the main drag.

I imagine any one of the local Walden people could give you more and more accurate information.

I've been hunting 161 right on the WY line. I see lots of elk including a fair number of small to very nice bulls, but only during pre-season scouting. All I ever see, with a few exceptions, during the actual seasons are a few cows and calves, of which I've killed 5. Its really neat, however, to have your elk camp set up right in the middle of elk, deer, antelope, and moose habitat. I see all of them each year within a half mile of our tents.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 04-11-2003 07:26: Message edited by: tmsander ]</font>

I'll ask around. You've got my curiosity stimulated. The main drag has just undergone a facelift, new curbs and sidewalks. I wonder if that was him?

Yea I too shopped the "going out of business" sale at Sportsmans Supply.

161 near the WY border, near Pearl?

I hunt 16 around Newcomb Creek.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 04-12-2003 11:09: Message edited by: KC ]</font>
KC - yeah that's probably the doings of this fellow. If not, its one heck of a coincidence.

I go through Pearl to get to where I hunt. I used to hunt closer to Buffalo Park and the Encampement river, but now I hunt mostly very close to Pearl. Every year I tell myself its that last year I hunt there cause all I ever see are a couple elk. But then I end up killing one of them and figure why change something that's working? Still, would love to kill a bull one of these years!
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