camp pics

not a good idea

got the thinking that by chance if the owner seen that pic on here I could be in trouble some way some how.So until animal start talking here are some more pics I got today.this guys met me on the other side of the bridge I cross to get to state land.


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this wierd or what ?

Check out the bottom of this turtle.


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Almost made a huge mistake.

I didn't think those little chickadees lay there eggs on the ground,And I can not beleave a little bird like that lay these eggs.


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fiddle heads after they grow out

when they get to this point they are not good to pick and eat. So I got to wait til next year or hop that I find some when the water goes down more.


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If you are one of them

:MAD this is what really gets under my skin when I come across, If you ever log into this site and you know who you are two simple words for you people ( GROW UP ) . We the ones that don't own private land to hunt on rely on the state to give us access to hunt on refuge land.You know what the more I type the more I get mad so i'm done, stay the :BLEEP: off land if you can not respect it. I love to meet you people once doing this and kiss the ground once I catch you with my mini pocket cam. Cause I'm turning your sorry ass in hump . where do you think that lead is flying once it goes threw that tin :eek: enought said.


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ok it is late and i'm tire night all, and please acknodge you been in here so we few don't feel all alone. your thoughts and suggestion & opion count, night.

check these out..... house that is curently burning across the march in front of my house ,man,look at the flames sure glad its not my house.....big ben....
keep me up dated on the house , hope that there was no one in there. And I know the people there will help out as it should be.
Good/Bad news

Ah I see that is great to know , well sorry to say but I did not get my moose tag for this coming fall hunt :( .So I guess I wait til next year and try again hump I like to once get my license and not hunt off others tag.Any way got to get food into my tummy and get things done for the day. have a good day ben and all.
You sizing that one up for me ben hump when can I take her/him first day I get there so I can relax the rest of my vacation :D Any ways I posted in the other site I put my time off in and need to place it in tonight at other job. Just as long as every thing goes ok I be coming across the boarder to hunt.onless I tag out on a couple deer here and fill the freezer durning and after work schedule. then I be coming a week later on our thanks giving weekend with the wife.I just want enought meat to last me til next year hunt. One big one there is just as good as tww here. Well I got to get out and check on my new area some more to find at least six stand set ups so that when hunting comes along I mite be able to have two to my self. later and have a great weekend all.
where about out side fredericton muskrat , me I'm from a little town called frederiction Junction nb, Canada. living in NY at the time but we are getting tire of the over tax state here and looking to move your way to Portland OR. any ways hate to cut this short but I got to get to bed and sleep befor work day again. By the way I got a few picsd today Ben , not to much this time out I will post them as soon as I can , night all.
I was born and raised in Woodstock. My parents are between Woodstock and Hartland. I own land in Kirkland. I have relatives on the Miramichi also. I went to UNB (Fredericton) for a couple of years. I've been in Arizona for about 8 years
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