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Cam Hanes new book “Endure”

I haven't actually run to train for something in almost a decade and I could outrun cam in a 22 mile race going backwards. For a guy that outworks everyone and trains like that he sure does suck! And where in the success handbook does it say: rule #1. Be an arrogant dueche and carry around dead animals on your back for the world to see. Rule #2 make everything seem 500X more difficult than it really is while carrying around dead animals on your back. Rule # 3. Tell the gram world how much you neglect your family cause you rather #keephammering while carrying around dead animals on your back.
While I'm not disagreeing with your rules lol I would like to know how not training in a decade you could run 22 miles at 6 something minute mile backwards. But since there are no 22 mile races could he hammer past you on the last 4 miles of a marathon?🤣🤣🤣
I would like to know how not training in a decade you could run 22 miles at 6 something minute mile backwards.
Well I can't I was just being over aggressive there. Haha

The 22 miles I picked because that's what he averages a day.
My real problem with the guy is that he lies and at best exaggerates his studliness to his followers because they eat it up. Main example: the dude is a beast he competed and finished the moab ultra. This by itself is a great personal achievement, but that's not good enough he has to lie about how fast he ran in parts of the race so his followers don't doubt his hammering ability. Why?
I was a runner the moab ultra is no joke no need to be exaggerating your times. It's just insulting to me, but whatever his little hammerers and hammerettes on social media eat it up so that's all that matters.

PS. You don't gotta be a superhero to hunt. My Grandpas 88 and still hunting strong, and he isn't #hammering shit besides staples into fence posts every spring.
@Greenhorn that cover photo of you with your freaky antelope is one of my favorite avatar photos from over the years….and you’ve had some “awesome” avatars!
It would be fun to buy a copy as a gag for the camp outhouse and always have it open with pages torn out for ass wipe material. Eventually nothing would be left but the cover.
95% of the comments on this thread have been made by folks who haven't read the book and it shows. The criticisms and assumptions you are making are quite the opposite of reality and you are quite literally furthering his point.

Love the book. Dude is super intense and I have a lot of respect for him after reading it. Everybody has their thing - if you think he wants his thing to be yours or that it is necessary to kill animals....could not be further from the truth.
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