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Cam Hanes new book “Endure”

I realize there is a lot I don't know about this situation, but...
As a dad of 4, I can tell you if I was running 5 hours before work, my family would be suffering. If you do the math, either she's not sleeping much at all or she's not spending much time being a mom. Either way, my guess would be that long term, she's going to have regrets.
I'm not a person that thinks you should just drop everything once you have kids, but while her fitness accomplishments are impressive, I'm not sure role model is the wording I'd use.
It seems like American culture has really wrapped its arms around extreme recreation. Moderation almost always wins in the long run, in my opinion
I'm admittedly a pretty traditional guy, so my biases are well established, as you can probably tell. I'm not going to read Cam's book, as I'm just not that interested in folks like him, but this thread is certainly fascinating.

Exactly. Who has time for a 5 hour run every day? I’d either be starting my run at 12:00am or finishing my run at 10pm
I wonder if anyone talked in this manner about Jack London?

The philosopher Plato thought that the soul of man could be compared to a chariot and consisted of three parts: a dark horse which represented the appetites, a white horse that represented thumos, and the charioteer which symbolized reason, and worked to keep the two disparate steeds in balance.

Of the three parts of the soul, thumos is the hardest for us moderns to grasp. The ancient Greeks thought it essential to andreia, or manliness, but there’s no one word in contemporary language that is a real match for it. Even for the Greeks, it was a multi-faceted force that they saw as the “seat of life.” Thumos was the source of emotion — particularly a righteous anger that manifested itself not only towards one’s enemies, but also at oneself for failing to live up to one’s own principles and code of honor. Thumos was the juice to action and the energy of drive — particularly that which led a man to fight, preserve his honor, become the best of the best, and leave a legacy. It was also the location of a man’s philosophical code — a matrix of discernment through which he pondered possibilities and intuited decisions. Thumos was a man’s spiritedness, his fire in the belly.

Though thumos is a little difficult to understand in the abstract, it’s easy to recognize when embodied, and no one in modern times embodied it more than Jack London.

Known to his friends as “the wolf,” London would always remind them that “we are dying, cell by cell, every minute of our lives.” He was thus determined to make the most of every day he was given. London took pride in “the captaincy of his own powers,” and subscribed to the maxim that “Satisfaction with existing things is damnation.” He referred to the journey of life as his “adventure path,” and he was ever in pursuit of “the tang of living.”

Thus as a young man, London worked in a cannery, electrical plant, and laundry facility, taught himself to sail, became an oyster pirate, traveled the Pacific aboard a seal-hunting schooner, and ventured into the Klondike in search of gold. By age 22, he had seen and done more than 99% of men will in their entire lifetime.

London also read voraciously, immersed himself in a thorough autodidactic education, taught himself how to write, and became a bestselling author — writing classics like The Call of the Wild and White Fang, alongside 20 other books, 200 short stories, and 400 non-fiction pieces.

London joyed in both the physicality of his body and the sharpness of his mind; as The San Francisco Examiner put it, he had “a prizefighter’s jaw and philosopher’s forehead” — the “instincts of a caveman and aspirations of a poet.” His wife called him an “extraordinary entity both as Doer and Thinker.”

London never stopped seeking “the primordial vigor of life.” And given that his credo declared that he’d “rather be ashes than dust,” he unsurprisingly burned out like a flaming comet and died an early death. Yet while he never got sufficient hold of his “dark horse” and flogged the white one too hard, the unadulterated intensity of his thumos can be a great inspiration to modern men, who are often stuck in a deep malaise and access their own thumos far, far too little.


Now here is a guy who was extreme before extreme was a thing....

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I don't really think he is working the hunting industry angle anymore. He has been able to use Joe Rogan as somewhat of a springboard into mainstream culture...on Instagram a gal I went to high school with, total soccer mom in the northeast(nothing wrong with that) has over the last couple weeks posted pictures of her listening to cam Hanes and rogan podcast, buying Jocko and Cam Hanes book for her kid who's like 8 and how she and her kids are mentally tough because of listening to this stuff and whatnot. Always makes me chuckle since they are pretty much a caricature of themselves. Anyways this woman hasn't hunted a day in her life, but these are all really inspirational stories of hard work and sacrifice to her. I think that is the target audience at this point. Dude has done a hell of a job for himself. Has he benefited hunting? If the views of non hunters he probably had. Has sold out public land hunting in the process. Probably, is it a net positive? Probably, but as one who just appreciates what we have the exploitation sucks.
I lasted an hour into the recent JRE. I could not endure the circle jerk any longer.
P.S., they make sizes larger than SM W in tees....
Somehow that circle jerk has become an extremely lucrative marketing machine. I don't get it. But they cracked the code into the masses.
I don't really think he is working the hunting industry angle anymore. He has been able to use Joe Rogan as somewhat of a springboard into mainstream culture...on Instagram a gal I went to high school with, total soccer mom in the northeast(nothing wrong with that) has over the last couple weeks posted pictures of her listening to cam Hanes and rogan podcast, buying Jocko and Cam Hanes book for her kid who's like 8 and how she and her kids are mentally tough because of listening to this stuff and whatnot. Always makes me chuckle since they are pretty much a caricature of themselves. Anyways this woman hasn't hunted a day in her life, but these are all really inspirational stories of hard work and sacrifice to her. I think that is the target audience at this point. Dude has done a hell of a job for himself. Has he benefited hunting? If the views of non hunters he probably had. Has sold out public land hunting in the process. Probably, is it a net positive? Probably, but as one who just appreciates what we have the exploitation sucks.

Somehow that circle jerk has become an extremely lucrative marketing machine. I don't get it. But they cracked the code into the masses.
The idea that someone would think themselves mentally tough from listening to Jocko and Cam Hanes is hilarious to me......
The idea that someone would think themselves mentally tough from listening to Jocko and Cam Hanes is hilarious to me......
It's absolutely ridiculous, I thought about posting some if it in the great social media post thread but it was against my better judgement. I'm talking post of baking pastries with her tot while making sure you know she's listening to Joe Rogan and how strong they will grow up to be. I mean if it's positive it's positive. I just think to myself damn they got ya, thats f'in nuts. These dudes could peddle ketchup lolipops.
It's absolutely ridiculous, I thought about posting some if it in the great social media post thread but it was against my better judgement. I'm talking post of baking pastries with her tot while making sure you know she's listening to Joe Rogan and how strong they will grow up to be. I mean if it's positive it's positive. I just think to myself damn they got ya, thats f'in nuts. These dudes could peddle ketchup lolipops.

Mental toughness comes from actually going and doing hard things, and, I would tentatively add, not getting recognized for it.

Ironically enough, the thing that might have required the most mental toughness for Cam would have been giving up a hunt so his family could go on vacation.
It's absolutely ridiculous, I thought about posting some if it in the great social media post thread but it was against my better judgement. I'm talking post of baking pastries with her tot while making sure you know she's listening to Joe Rogan and how strong they will grow up to be. I mean if it's positive it's positive. I just think to myself damn they got ya, thats f'in nuts. These dudes could peddle ketchup lolipops.
Rogan is the Gwyneth Paltrow for men.

I'm not sure who said it first... but they aren't wrong.
Rogan, Hanes, and Jocko. But you guys can't have a Bro conversation unless you add Goggins to the mix.
I don't really think he is working the hunting industry angle anymore. He has been able to use Joe Rogan as somewhat of a springboard into mainstream culture...on Instagram a gal I went to high school with, total soccer mom in the northeast(nothing wrong with that) has over the last couple weeks posted pictures of her listening to cam Hanes and rogan podcast, buying Jocko and Cam Hanes book for her kid who's like 8 and how she and her kids are mentally tough because of listening to this stuff and whatnot. Always makes me chuckle since they are pretty much a caricature of themselves. Anyways this woman hasn't hunted a day in her life, but these are all really inspirational stories of hard work and sacrifice to her. I think that is the target audience at this point. Dude has done a hell of a job for himself. Has he benefited hunting? If the views of non hunters he probably had. Has sold out public land hunting in the process. Probably, is it a net positive? Probably, but as one who just appreciates what we have the exploitation sucks.

Somehow that circle jerk has become an extremely lucrative marketing machine. I don't get it. But they cracked the code into the masses.

Yeah that does not sound like a guy I want to hang out with a whole bunch.

Jocko gets up at 4:30 every morning
Hell, that's almost lunch time...I'm such a loser.
London was too dark a read for Nam.

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