Cam Hanes new book “Endure”

I wonder if anyone talked in this manner about Jack London?

The philosopher Plato thought that the soul of man could be compared to a chariot and consisted of three parts: a dark horse which represented the appetites, a white horse that represented thumos, and the charioteer which symbolized reason, and worked to keep the two disparate steeds in balance.

Of the three parts of the soul, thumos is the hardest for us moderns to grasp. The ancient Greeks thought it essential to andreia, or manliness, but there’s no one word in contemporary language that is a real match for it. Even for the Greeks, it was a multi-faceted force that they saw as the “seat of life.” Thumos was the source of emotion — particularly a righteous anger that manifested itself not only towards one’s enemies, but also at oneself for failing to live up to one’s own principles and code of honor. Thumos was the juice to action and the energy of drive — particularly that which led a man to fight, preserve his honor, become the best of the best, and leave a legacy. It was also the location of a man’s philosophical code — a matrix of discernment through which he pondered possibilities and intuited decisions. Thumos was a man’s spiritedness, his fire in the belly.

Though thumos is a little difficult to understand in the abstract, it’s easy to recognize when embodied, and no one in modern times embodied it more than Jack London.

Known to his friends as “the wolf,” London would always remind them that “we are dying, cell by cell, every minute of our lives.” He was thus determined to make the most of every day he was given. London took pride in “the captaincy of his own powers,” and subscribed to the maxim that “Satisfaction with existing things is damnation.” He referred to the journey of life as his “adventure path,” and he was ever in pursuit of “the tang of living.”

Thus as a young man, London worked in a cannery, electrical plant, and laundry facility, taught himself to sail, became an oyster pirate, traveled the Pacific aboard a seal-hunting schooner, and ventured into the Klondike in search of gold. By age 22, he had seen and done more than 99% of men will in their entire lifetime.

London also read voraciously, immersed himself in a thorough autodidactic education, taught himself how to write, and became a bestselling author — writing classics like The Call of the Wild and White Fang, alongside 20 other books, 200 short stories, and 400 non-fiction pieces.

London joyed in both the physicality of his body and the sharpness of his mind; as The San Francisco Examiner put it, he had “a prizefighter’s jaw and philosopher’s forehead” — the “instincts of a caveman and aspirations of a poet.” His wife called him an “extraordinary entity both as Doer and Thinker.”

London never stopped seeking “the primordial vigor of life.” And given that his credo declared that he’d “rather be ashes than dust,” he unsurprisingly burned out like a flaming comet and died an early death. Yet while he never got sufficient hold of his “dark horse” and flogged the white one too hard, the unadulterated intensity of his thumos can be a great inspiration to modern men, who are often stuck in a deep malaise and access their own thumos far, far too little.


Now here is a guy who was extreme before extreme was a thing....

If there was the gram in Jack's day...he probably wouldn't be able to resist Gramming duechy shit. Therefore probably a dueche.
Hate to say it. Some of you sound like jealous babies. Do they really have that much of an affect on your day to day life?

With that said. Bowmar is the biggest douche of them all.
Lemme guess....

He never sleeps, never stops hammering, eats cereal with water, is only known because he works harder than anyone?

That summarize it pretty close?

Same thing he has been saying for the last 30 years?
Your story kinda reminds me of somebody asking puff daddy to listen to their mixtape.
It’s like in Hustle and Flow when Djay gives his mixtape to Skinny Black, then Skinny flushes it down the toilet, then Djay doesn’t quite kill Skinny, but he does beat him to a pulp and goes to jail. All along Djay was more legit than Skinny…just being of the street, hanging out in jail writing bars. It’s like that.
It’s like in Hustle and Flow when Djay gives his mixtape to Skinny Black, then Skinny flushes it down the toilet, then Djay doesn’t quite kill Skinny, but he does beat him to a pulp and goes to jail. All along Djay was more legit than Skinny…just being of the street, hanging out in jail writing bars. It’s like that.
Omg you nailed it!
It’s like in Hustle and Flow when Djay gives his mixtape to Skinny Black, then Skinny flushes it down the toilet, then Djay doesn’t quite kill Skinny, but he does beat him to a pulp and goes to jail. All along Djay was more legit than Skinny…just being of the street, hanging out in jail writing bars. It’s like that.
word dawg, word
Hate to say it. Some of you sound like jealous babies. Do they really have that much of an affect on your day to day life?

With that said. Bowmar is the biggest douche of them all.
U never had that friend in high school that asks you how many pull ups you did in gym class and you say 23 and he replies I did 28? That's hammering cam...not jealous or affected just think he is a dueche. Just like the real loud guy at the watering hole.
Cam? That you??
Aw Hell, I guess I have achieved "fan-boy" status! I will get a flat brimmed hat pronto! But seriously, every quality person I have interacted with had one thing in common, they all outworked the guys next to him. I guess I am a sucker for a strong work ethic. #naive?
U never had that friend in high school that asks you how many pull ups you did in gym class and you say 23 and he replies I did 28? That's hammering cam...not jealous or affected just think he is a dueche. Just like the real loud guy at the watering hole.
All my friends were essentially outside of the social norms and there was only 7 of us. We had goths, geeks, stoners and popular kids. We fell in none of that lol. I guess you could call that group the gear head farm raised kind of kids. All drove shitty trucks and did donuts in the corn field next to the school.

Funny enough most of those social groups have nothing to do with each other anymore. While our group are all still close friends.

But since you said that. I can right away think of a group like that, usually kids in the popular group that were athletic and peaked at 17 lol.

One I can think of now is (last I knew) a meth head.
they all outworked the guys next to him.
I haven't actually run to train for something in almost a decade and I could outrun cam in a 22 mile race going backwards. For a guy that outworks everyone and trains like that he sure does suck! And where in the success handbook does it say: rule #1. Be an arrogant dueche and carry around dead animals on your back for the world to see. Rule #2 make everything seem 500X more difficult than it really is while carrying around dead animals on your back. Rule # 3. Tell the gram world how much you neglect your family cause you rather #keephammering while carrying around dead animals on your back.
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