Cam Hanes new book “Endure”

I listened to the MeatEater podcast and was overwhelmed at his fitness dedication and utterly underwhelmed at his personality. His dedication to fitness and his workaday life is admirable, but he was boring. As in truly intellectually uninspiring. It was like reading a free newspaper while waiting in line at the DMV. He absolutely knows his stuff and trains like a madman but I just could not be bothered to care. His description of his friend that died in Alaska was the sole exception to that, but even then I had all these questions… it was a decent interview of a terrible interviewee
Have to wonder if he means that he runs 52.4 miles over the coarse of 7 days. It would be possible, but pretty genetically rare to be able to run 2 in a week.
That's exactly what he meant. His level of duechiness is just so high he has to word it so people think he is out there running 2 marathons every week. 52.4 miles a week is a normal high school cross country practice week during peak season.
His running stats are actually very impressive… that being said my moms TA, mom of two, working full time keep in mind, beat him in the Wester States 100 miler by 4 hours.

She doesn’t have a book… or professional insta page… or podcast… or hammer this and that she’s just a midclass mom in a mountain town that goes on a 5 hour run before work every day.

If we are talking role models… that lady.
But how many bulls has she killed on top of all that?
I don’t think cams trying to be the best at working out.
I won't read the book but I did enjoy reading this thread about the book very much. I couldn't do what Cam does no matter how many steroids I took, but Cam couldn't do what Cam does without them.
His running stats are actually very impressive… that being said my moms TA, mom of two, working full time keep in mind, beat him in the Wester States 100 miler by 4 hours.

She doesn’t have a book… or professional insta page… or podcast… or hammer this and that she’s just a midclass mom in a mountain town that goes on a 5 hour run before work every day.

If we are talking role models… that lady.
I realize there is a lot I don't know about this situation, but...
As a dad of 4, I can tell you if I was running 5 hours before work, my family would be suffering. If you do the math, either she's not sleeping much at all or she's not spending much time being a mom. Either way, my guess would be that long term, she's going to have regrets.
I'm not a person that thinks you should just drop everything once you have kids, but while her fitness accomplishments are impressive, I'm not sure role model is the wording I'd use.
It seems like American culture has really wrapped its arms around extreme recreation. Moderation almost always wins in the long run, in my opinion
I'm admittedly a pretty traditional guy, so my biases are well established, as you can probably tell. I'm not going to read Cam's book, as I'm just not that interested in folks like him, but this thread is certainly fascinating.
when it’s all said and done who will leave a bigger mark on hunting?
You or Cam?
I don't know. I obviously view my world different than Cam views his. Different strokes for different folks.

I don't make a big splash but I am a member of RMEF and BHA and have donated to various other outdoor interests such as the corner crossing case, Rob's trespass from a few years ago, Beau's fundraiser, etc.. just from this forum. Maybe Cam does a whole lot of fundraising supporting outdoor causes? All I see is self promotion. I actually think alot of the guys on this forum make a bigger mark. Guys going to meetings and providing input. Guys meeting with legislators. Guys hustling to get the word out. Lots of unsung heroes around here worthy of least as much as Cam seems to get from some.
I realize there is a lot I don't know about this situation, but...
As a dad of 4, I can tell you if I was running 5 hours before work, my family would be suffering. If you do the math, either she's not sleeping much at all or she's not spending much time being a mom. Either way, my guess would be that long term, she's going to have regrets.
I'm not a person that thinks you should just drop everything once you have kids, but while her fitness accomplishments are impressive, I'm not sure role model is the wording I'd use.
It seems like American culture has really wrapped its arms around extreme recreation. Moderation almost always wins in the long run, in my opinion
I'm admittedly a pretty traditional guy, so my biases are well established, as you can probably tell. I'm not going to read Cam's book, as I'm just not that interested in folks like him, but this thread is certainly fascinating.
She’s 58, I think she started going hard at 45 once most of her kids were either out of the house/ in high school.
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