Call, Stalk, or Sit NM Unit 30 Elk


New member
Mar 6, 2019
I was fortunate enough to draw a Unit 30 1st Archery tag in NM. This is also convenient because I have a project at the base of the Guadalupe Mountains and will be able to scout twice a month until season. Having already made a quick trip and another on the way I'm hoping some of y'all have familiarity with this area.

The topography is fairly steep and the foliage is sparse so I have several questions about elk behavior in this area. I have also reached out and invited the Game Warden to lunch to see if I can pick his brain.

If any of y'all can help answer the following, it would be a great help to me...especially since I'll be scouting, I mean "working" there Tuesday evening and again Wednesday morning.

Elk Habit Questions
1) Are the elk migratory or do they keep to the same areas year round
2) Do they concentrate in the High elevations to the south on the TX border or are they distributed in the lower elevations to the north
3) What food source should I look for, the grass seems to be abundant and the trees are sparse
4)Should I generally look in the drainages or up high
5)Should I follow alpine patterns and glass north and east slopes or does it matter

General Expectations: The only info I can find through internet research is one thread on elk from 2010 and a few mule deer postings. If anyone has any stories or anecdotes about this area in general I'd love to hear them, this way I'll have something to day dream about something until September. :)

Thanks in advance for all the help!

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I have never seen an elk or elk sign in unit 30 but I also haven't spent much time in Unit 30. However, I've spent a lot of time in other units in Southern NM. Other people would be able to give you much better information than me. Talking to the local game warden would be a good start. From what I understand the elk density in unit 30 is very low. Most of the unit won't have many elk if any elk. I have seen elk in unit 34 not far from the boarder of unit 30. I'm sure there would be at least a few elk in the NW part of unit 30. I would be surprised if there are not at least a few elk on the southern part of the unit in the mountains close to TX. I would expect most of the lower elevations to be void of elk. In southern NM I've seen elk in low country that looks more suited to pronghorn but in general, the best elk habitat are the higher elevations that have better grass. I doubt the elk migrate much between summer and winter range in unit 30 but I don't really know. Elk need food (grass, greener the better), water and areas they feel safe. They will also like North facing slopes with timber to keep cool during the hot summer months. Having time to scout will be very beneficial. I find scouting for the hunt can be just as fun as the hunt itself. While scouting you might not find many elk but you may find elk tracks and droppings so at least you will know there are elk in that area. There are a lot of Audad and mule deer in that unit so don't get the tracks and droppings confused. If an area has good enough habitat to support cows, then the habitat is good enough for elk. However, I'm sure there are many areas in unit 30 that have cattle but no elk. Good luck.
I hunted the Guadalupe's for deer 20 years ago and I have never heard of elk there. It is possible that they have moved in from unit 34 which is quite close and the foothills of 34 and is similar country to the Guadalupe's. Hope, someone can give you concrete advise.

In unit 34, the elk have been moving to lower elevations for years and moving out the deer. So there may be some elk in 30.

Good luck.
I was surprised as well that the guadalupe's held elk. That's some hot country and early sept will be toasty warm. I would do everything I could to stay light and mobile. Finding elk will be half the battle. Don't be afraid to use the open country to your advantage. Cover alot of ground and keep moving.
I did check with my brother that hunts 34 every couple of years. He said a herd has moved in from 34. Suggested that you hunt the northern border close to 34 and there will not be many elk. Probably scattered. His suggestion was to scout water sources and if you find sign, hunt there.

Luckily, you have time to scout. You only need one. Let us know how it goes.
I did check with my brother that hunts 34 every couple of years. He said a herd has moved in from 34. Suggested that you hunt the northern border close to 34 and there will not be many elk. Probably scattered. His suggestion was to scout water sources and if you find sign, hunt there.

Luckily, you have time to scout. You only need one. Let us know how it goes.
Thanks for checking with your brother! I’m about to head out that way now. Going to do a little e-scouting then put some boots on the ground. Figure I’ll work on eliminating where they are not I’ll be able to find them latter this summer.

I’d like to learn more about them and their behaviors. I imagine their habits and routines are different than their higher elevated brethren. I figure if I can find what they need, I’ll find them, yet I digress.

Thanks for the info! I’ll share why I find
Buy a few cheap trail cameras put them on the tanks. The success rates seems to be average according to gohunt.
I've spent a year or so working in that area. Never seen elk around there but plenty of mule deer.
I was fortunate enough to draw a Unit 30 1st Archery tag in NM. This is also convenient because I have a project at the base of the Guadalupe Mountains and will be able to scout twice a month until season. Having already made a quick trip and another on the way I'm hoping some of y'all have familiarity with this area.

The topography is fairly steep and the foliage is sparse so I have several questions about elk behavior in this area. I have also reached out and invited the Game Warden to lunch to see if I can pick his brain.

If any of y'all can help answer the following, it would be a great help to me...especially since I'll be scouting, I mean "working" there Tuesday evening and again Wednesday morning.

Elk Habit Questions
1) Are the elk migratory or do they keep to the same areas year round
2) Do they concentrate in the High elevations to the south on the TX border or are they distributed in the lower elevations to the north
3) What food source should I look for, the grass seems to be abundant and the trees are sparse
4)Should I generally look in the drainages or up high
5)Should I follow alpine patterns and glass north and east slopes or does it matter

General Expectations: The only info I can find through internet research is one thread on elk from 2010 and a few mule deer postings. If anyone has any stories or anecdotes about this area in general I'd love to hear them, this way I'll have something to day dream about something until September. :)

Thanks in advance for all the help!

Hello TJ, I know this post is a few years old now. Any luck? Drew same tag and just wanted to see how your hunt was.

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