Caffeine and accuracy

I'm willing to sacrifice whatever small amount of accuracy it may cost me by drinking coffee. I've been drinking coffee for so long it might just kill me not to drink it. 💀
When I was in the 3rd or 4th grade my mom used to give me coffee in my lunchbox thermos. :coffee: I've been drinking it ever since.
I'm afraid without my morning cup or two I'd likely begin to hunt bare handed....just a touch irritable.
Such a habit/routine no matter the activity, don't think it alters my mediocre abilities. Placebo coffee?...what's the point?
I've got a slow heart rate and my BP is usually fairly low. If I drink coffee or an energy drink I feel like shit for 3 days after.
I have noticed a change in accuracy based on state of hydration with both rifle and archery, it affects your fine motor skills and mental focus similar to caffeine.
I support the blind test where your wife or coffee shop gives you your coffee without you knowing if it’s high test or not. Do it for two weeks or more so that the sample size is large enough to smooth out bad days that are due to other causes that may skew the data. I bet is it makes a small difference but the placebo effect makes more of a difference. Of course your liver condition could exacerbate the issue.
I don't regularly consume caffeine and go long periods without sugar.
If I have either before a range session I can see my cross hairs shake.
I don't remember noticing while shooting archery.
Perhaps buy the game "operation" and check your steadiness with/without 😉
I’ve been shooting tournament archery for almost 50 years and can say “it depends on the person.” I drink more Diet Pepsi than water and it doesn’t bother me. Paige Pearce drinks a monster energy every day and it doesn’t bother her. You need to find your tolerance and go from there. Also, since we’re talking your aiming/grouping, the combination of draw length/mass weight/holding weight is the key to getting a bow to hold.
I can’t imagine elk/deer/pronghorn camp without coffee. Any camp for that matter.

I guess if it affects accuracy, I’ll just keep doing what I have been.......get as close as I can before the shot.
Copenhagen used to do that to me. Could tell during my morning shoots if I had had a dip or not. Quit about 4 years ago so don’t have to worry about it now

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