
Cabelas optics - buyer beware

Wait a min. You mean to tell me that because Bass Pro Shops bought Cabelas, they got to cancel warantee's even though the stores still have the same Cabelas name? That just doesn't seem legal to me.
So to close this story out, cabelas ended up offering me $330ish in store credit for the scope. Their assistant manager who used to be a gun smith asked if he could take the eye piece off and apart in the meantime. I said sure knock yourself out. When he did that he found a set screw that holds the zoom lens in place had loosened and fallen out. He was able to put everything back in place but said he was unable to get the lenses clean and he didn’t have a lens pen. (Should have been a clue). I was thinking all I needed to do was take the eyepiece apart and clean the lenses. So I refused the store credit and took the scope home.

Well tonight I finally got around to trying to clean it and unfortunately upon a thorough cleaning what appeared to be debris was in fact deep scratching on the internal lenses where they had come in contact with each other. The view is clear and the scope functions as it should but with some very noticeable artifacts/scratches. So now what do I do? I’m not super excited about running a spotter without a perfect view as my primary.

So I could try selling it as is. Would anyone even want a less than perfect view?

Take it back to cabelas and try to get the in store credit? I could see them trying to get out of that with the time that has elapsed.

Keep it as a truck scope and leave iit and use it in my pickup.

What do you think I should do?

Pretty bummed $900 for optics in 2019 is looking like it was wasted.
I think it depends on your tolerance level of the impurities that you can see. Me personally, if I can’t count sheep rings, the glass is useless. That and it would distract me.

That being said, if you had a teenager that you’re mentoring or know of who’s into hunting or wildlife viewing, it would be a good donation to them. Go back for the credit and treat yourself for the upcoming holiday deals. I think this is what I would do, just to be done.
So Cabela’s sucks and they don’t stand behind their warranty. Search on here and you will find my thread regarding my Cabela’s Moepta warranty experience.

Short story is Cabela’s was worthless. Meopta was at first a little slow to help, but in the end they fixed my binoculars for free. Only cost me shipping to send in and they even covered my return shipping.

Don’t trust Cabela’s employees to do anything besides stock sports bras and Under Armour gear. However, you should contact Meopta. At minimum they will fix it and even if you have to pay, it will be less than you think and less than a new one.
You can thank Johnny Morris for the shitty service. Dick Cabela must be rolling over in his grave with Morris running his formerly great company. 2 or 3 years ago they fired something like 2000+ employees in the Sidney, NE headquarters just before Christmas, but he was sending an aid package to the crooked Bahamas for hurricane aid. I will never ever buy a single thing from them. They should rename the company Cheap Chinese Shit.

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