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Cabelas...friend of sportsmen?

I hope Cabelas imposes a good wildlife management plan on the whole 29,000 acres, what restrictions do they have? I'm sure, its not, you have to be a fat New York banker.


What good is wildlife management if the public is locked out of land that it previously had access to?

Who cares what restrictions they have? This was a working ranch that was open to public hunting but is now going to be trophy homes. How do you see this as progress?

We all need a good intellectual thrashing by Senor Gunner on the finer points of entrepreneurial prudence benefitting the shareholder versus the altruistic expectations of benevolence.

C'mon Jose, give us the D&B version.

LMAO NHY... I was wondering when the CEO of investing,margins,etc would straighten this thread out.:)
Cabelas purchases a 29,000 acre ranch, is sub-dividing it to sell to wealthy out-of-staters so they can own a piece of Montana and slap a trophy home on it.
Did Cabelas sub-divide?

Isn't development practices up to the State and local government?
thats the real question....looks like local govbmnt is doing the screwing.
Nemont, Wildlife management is good, whether its private or public, the idea is to do things good for the wildlife. They're free to walk from public to private and back you know.

The restrictions are to be cared about because they either are pro wildlife management or they are not and we want them to be good wildlife management.

They way its considered progress is that its what's happening all over the place because there are more and more people. Its one of the primary management problems of the times, how to deal with land fragmentation and protect the wildlife? You don't just manage wildlife on large public access places, you manage it everywhere.

I've even read most of the wildlife is on private land in the US, but it was just a comment in a book. I'd like to see the real data on that, but I haven't contacted the authors to find out what they based the statement on.

Cabelas brokered the deal.

Read WH's post...thats the rub.

You find it acceptable for a company that makes it living from hunters and fishermen (conservationists) to sell out MT, WY, CO, etc. for profit?

From my experience, Sportsman's Wharehouse does a lot to work with wildlife organizations. So I like to give my business to them. But I'm sure some here probably have issue's with them as well. Many of the wildlife organizations I'm aware of had their worst fundraising performance in long, long time, this past year. Where are all the "concerned" sportsmen?
You find it acceptable for a company that makes it living from hunters and fishermen (conservationists) to sell out MT, WY, CO, etc. for profit?

Did I insinuate that I like it?
where is your anger for the local govt that allowed this to go forward?
I donated a fair bit in both time and money (dollars in the range of a good non-resident tag and over 100 hrs of my time in the past year). How about you 280? What have you done?
$1500 (5 sponsers) RMEF Missoula, $1000 RMEF Bitterroot
$500 RCFW,,,and I did not see you at any of the above,

100 hours $5.00 per hour (what your time is worth),,,wow BHR wow

sorry Buzz for highjacking your thread,,,,carry on
Thanks for clueing me in on what Cabella's is pulling, everyone. I'm going to buy my new sleeping bag elsewhere.
Some of you may be aware that a couple of cousins and I bought up 1450 acres of 2nd-growth timber land in Northern California as a deer hunting ranch/perserve. At first the locals figured we were going to subdivide the whole ridge and there was a lot of open hostility towards us. We finally sat a few of them down and explained that as long as any of us is still alive, the land we bought would NEVER be subdivided... no matter how much anyone offered us. We bought it for the benfit of wildlife (and to be honest -a landowner deer tag for the 3 of us each year).
The California F&G Dept is totally behind us and a bit more than half the locals are too. The other minority is envious of us and have sworn to poach our land whenever they want to. Not being greedy, we've invited a few fencesitters and neighbors to hunt our land if and when they can draw a deer tag.
Things wouldn't be so amiable and positive for us if we had bought the land in order to make a profit. I would expect that someone would have set the whole mountain on fire by now. My cousins and I work a few hundred hours of overtime each year in order to afford our ranch (we aren't rich by any means) but we all think it's worth it in the long run -for the wildlife AND for ourselves.
It irks the heck out of me to think an "Outfitter" I've used in the past is selling us out AND locking us out.
Its all good with the thread long as the point is made that Cabelas has pissed off the hook and bullet crowd.

I also agree that more $$$ AND TIME...are needed to stop this kind of crap.
I'll be cancelling my Cabelas Club Visa and getting a Sportsmen Warehouse Visa,,,,
Thats what I'm talking about...
Agreed there Buzz, I'm thinking that by the time this is spread around, the Cabela's family is going to have a serious talk with some of their Ops people. They may have just chit in their kit on this one. Goes to show you- hard to be all things to all people...without being a sellout that is!
Buzz, do you have any links to any news articles on what Cabelas is doing? Is it getting any media attention?
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