Heres one for El'spunker...
When he is sitting there slamming people, and just being an idiot on his high horse, reading about his watermelon budies jerking off...
These two have killed a lot of kittens in their day...having fun at others expence...LMAO!!!
Even the pope is having fun at these two idiot jerk offs expence...LOL...
These great pics are from one of our great posters on the board, that can make a picture worth a thousand words and turning me onto this great site, thanks Michael...LMAO!!!! This is only meant as fun, not to degrade any one on the board and is supposed to be funny....
I sure hope you two been heads arn't offended by all of these things. Remember now, it only fun...HAHAHA...
Thanks...I haven't even started trying, this was only a kind of spur of the moment thing...LMAO!!!
I suppose if I checked around, I could find all sorts of humor to post in this Such Idiots section of the board...LOL...It is all just for fun though, so we have to make sure we don't lose site of the true objective and keep this board on the happy side, so as not to hurt any ones feelings or any thing...
Come on you two imbeciles....I have seen both you dorks on the board since I started having fun back. I also saw that you have all of a sudden...Surprise surprise.... Slunk off to other places on the board, you haven't hardly gotten your lazy asses off this part of the board for months straigt hoping to be able to her ass some one...well, we are all having fun here, just remember that, all in jest you know, you even said it today...I saw it...So lets have some watermelon windbags.... what are you waiting for...some one to save you from big bad ol' me... Remember, I am the little insignificant one that is in no where Montana that just tries to get along, I'm getting along now and trying to fit into your dush bag group, is it working...
I sure hope so, I want to be a watermelon loving shit head just like you two....LMAO!!!
I'm here on board to save the world with you guy's...To put my two cents in, no matter how insensitive...Isn't it great....
I'm starting to feel so much better and I am glad it is just because we are having fun at "Know ones expence"...I sure hope you Birkenstock wearing pot smoking fuzz heads have as thick of a skin as you force the rest of us have.
OH!!! NO!!! (this part stated in a whiney nasel, liberal sort of way) We better all e-mail Moosie and make "Elkcheesr" stop picking on us, we are the kings and we are supposed to be above all of this type of abuse.
I thought you two trouser snake chamers were supposed to gang up on me like you usually do...Or is it that Jizz isn't on line right now so my thrashing is just going to have to wait...LMAO!!! Come on lets get it together you slugs...
This is terrible, I even have others starting to send me stuff so that I can pass the love on...