Butte-ful Montana


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2003
red river of the north

What was the CVB thinking when they put together this billboard. I guess it's a proud (six fingered) people in Butte.
We were coming in from back east last year and stopped in Butte for some sandwiches. I made a joke about the pit and my girlfriend said she'd never seen it, so I figured I'd swing up there and show her. They actually want you to PAY to see it. I got a pretty good laugh out of it.
Per the Grandmother of Knowlegde (Wikipedia)-

The Berkeley Pit is a former open pit copper mine located in Butte, Montana, USA. It is one mile long by half a mile wide with an approximate depth of 1,780 feet (540 m). It is filled to a depth of about 900 feet (270 m) with water that is heavily acidic (2.5 pH level). The pit is laden with heavy metals and dangerous chemicals, including arsenic, cadmium, zinc, and sulfuric acid.

Highly toxic, they have to scare migrating waterfowl from landing in the pit after a bunch of snow geese died there a couple of years ago. It's one step above going to see nuclear waste.
If Earth had an asshole, the Pit would be it.

I bet these postcards just fly off the shelves.


  • Berkeley+Pit.jpg
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Tom, you would think that things cool. It's since filled in with the most toxic water imaginable on earth. When migrating birds land on it they die real quick.
Butte is a great town, if you like drunks, and people who are about 15 years behind the times. A new car is a 1977 Nova
I am playing hockey there next weekend. Might just go see the pit, ha.
Men's league tournament play. I will be in the rec division, but next season play on playing in the power division. 6 hours is what we have slated for travel time.
Per the Grandmother of Knowlegde (Wikipedia)-

Highly toxic, they have to scare migrating waterfowl from landing in the pit after a bunch of snow geese died there a couple of years ago. It's one step above going to see nuclear waste.

Thanks for that, I was trying to figure out what it was as well.

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