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bulls bulls bulls story complete!!

I'm guessing no story.. Probably jsut like Greeny, Run up opening day 100 YArds out of camp and Stick a 300 Class bull...... Happens to everyone ... Nothing to really brag about...

NOW, If they were SPIKES :eek: :eek: //// ;)

All joking aside, NICE fuggin' ELK... AGAIN BRO !!!!!!!!
WTG!!! Congrats to you and your buddy
Ok, Here’s the story. It stated out in Forks on the Olympic Peninsula, my old stomping grounds. I grew up out there guided for a good number of years, and pretty much know it like the back of my hand. The word I got from my buds was “(Man is it hot out here Ray, plenty of elk and the numbers are way up like they used to be!)”. Man I zipped right out there on the 8th of Sept. and spent two days noticing how the numbers were the same as the last time I went in 2000. I looked at Curt ns said, “I don’t know about you but I have seen enough”. He said, “What took you so long to figure that out”. I told him to “shut the F--- up and load up”!! We couldn’t get out fast enough!! Off we went to another area with bigger and better things in mind. NOT SEXUAL EITHER!! WAPITIS’ THAT IS!
We arrived around midnight to the land of enchantment and decided to throw the sleeping bags on the dirt outside. We no sooner got the bags out, settled in, and the first bugle of the year sounded! What a sweet tune that was. By morning I was pissed as hell cause they kept me up all night. The thing that really pissed me off was they were all done by 5:00 am. I looked at Curt and told him, “Today is not going to be their day cause I’m tired and pissed both”. He laughed and said “Uh Hu”. We then, shortly thereafter hit the brush. Man it was dryer than a popcorn fart! So much for that idea. We then decided it was best to set up along a nice little wallow and wait. Actually there were six of them all within 40 yards or less. First a couple spikes showed up unannounced and not welcome. Curt drew his bow on one and I quickly knocked it off the rest. Needless to say those two spikes didn’t stay too much longer. HA HA. Curt was half pissed until I told him I wouldn’t help pack a spike out two flipping miles up hill. He laughed and said, ya that isn’t really what we came for. It wasn’t an hour later and a couple cows started showing. They fed for a while and I was loosing hope. All of a sudden the Big Bad Bugeling Bull Bellowed Boldly a top the ridge. It did not take him long from that time forward to come into view and head straight for the wallow. He was now within range and was at the perfect angle. All we needed was a standing shot. We both drew and I gave a chirp on the old Penn Woods Turkey call. He stopped and looked like he was staring right through us. Curt was the first to release and I let drive right after. His arrow hit right in the breadbasket and the bull lunged forward with my arrow angling forward from the paunch into the diaphragm. A little messy, but quickly a downed bull. We knew it was nice but when we got to it I was very surprised to see it was a 300-class bull! Curt was jacked to say the least and I was too. We broke out the traditional pint of Jack Daniels and tipped our hats to a great hunt that ended with a dandy trophy for curt and I both.
I'll have that second bull's story posted by late tommorrow ok guys. Sorry, but when you are slow at typing like me it takes a little while to get it on paper or computer. Just got in from another hard days work at the office so it is too late tonight, given I gotta get up at 4:00 am.
Ahh mate now my hearts returned back to normal after pushing u up the grades and down
that was a great hunt and end result just fuggin brilliant :D whether u live in Washingtom state or otherside of the world, Hunters everywhere appreciate a job well done; Cheers Pal :cool:
Great story Ray! One of the best I have read in a good long while. Thanks for taking the time to write a great blow-by-blow account!!!! Again, congrats!
Ok; here is, part two of our hunt. The second to the last day we were on our hunt for elk, I decided to go hit some old grades I had found a couple years back. I knew the elk would be feeding up the ridge in the morning so I hiked in and camped out the night before. I told Curt to pick me up later the next evening and hopefully I would be packing some big slabs of meat. Anyway, I got in just as it started to get dark. I knew the elk would be feeding down the ridge toward the watering hole late into the evening, and as I was setting up camp, a deep, raspy bugle sounded off in the canyon below. Yes!! > I thought to myself as I started to roll the bag out on the ground. As I crawled into the sleeping bag I heard my quarry pipe up again; --- then again-----then again, finally thinking to myself, “you Rat Bastard”: No bugle all day, and now you won’t shut the hell up!!! “Live it up now Mr., cause I’m kicking your ever loving Rat Bastard ass in the morning!!!” I told myself.
I was pretty tired so it didn’t take me too long to crash. The next morning I woke a couple hours before daylight and was ready to rip. It seemed like an eternity waiting for the light of the day to arrive so I could slip around on them old grades. They were fairly open with sparsely planted trees along the edges, aging around 6 to eight years, and 8 to 10 feet high. Perfect for slipping around, through, and between. You could have an elk within 20 or 25 feet and not even know it sometimes. The time had arrived, daylight. I began my quest slipping in and out of the trees walking ever so slow listening more than anything. I was hoping that Rat Bastard would sound off so I could focus in on my rout a little more. I slipped through weaving in and out with not much more than sign of the fact they had been there the night before. I finally dropped down to the spot I had last heard him thinking I might be able too line something out. No luck!! It was just too torn up. Too many tracks coming from, and going to. I then decided to cut over on another ridge hoping to hear something crack a bugle. No such luck. It seemed as though I was a step behind all day. It was now coming up on 3:00 pm and I had no clue as to the where abouts of Ol Rat Bastard. I started heading out backtracking toward the old grades thinking that I would at least have the wind in my favor on the hunt back. As I was slipping through the maze of fir trees, I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be an elk. I threw the binos up, and sure enough, it was!! I had spotted a cow about 60 yards to my left. I patiently waited and watched as one would appear, another disappear, another appear, yet another disappear; (flipping musical chairs with a bunch of women): What the hell is this I thought. This is a bunch of horse shit, I mean bull shit, I mean elk shit, oh who the hell really cares; the bottom line is elk with no horns I thought. All of a sudden Rat Bastard cracked his pipe and relinquished his gostly presence as to where the hell he was hiding!! He was around 80 yards up the ridge but I could not get a visual on his sorry butt. I continued to wait not making a peep. The elk continued to feed, plowing the chow. They looked like they were on a mission; you would have thought the Ethiopian hunger strike was about to set in!!! My patience finally paid off as Big Ol Rat Bastard finally came into sight. He was on the Starboard side with his nose held high in the wind. He was licking his lips to get a better taste of the scent from his cows! “Oh ya baby, keep on coming”, I thought. He was slipping in and out of the trees heading for his herum, checking em out. Little did he know, I had pokeeehauntus ready to stick it to him as soon as he got close to his cows. He drifted right on down into a perfect slot around 45 yards or so from me!!! All I had to do was make the shot!! I drew back, edged it toward his windbag, and let drive!! He bolted on impact; it looked like a good shot; all of the elk scattered. “Oh boy, great, now which way did he go” I thought! As soon as the noise started to discipate I heard what sounded like a heavy exhaling around every 5 seconds. It didn’t sound too far off either. I waited patiently hoping it was Rat Bastard making the noise. About 15 minutes later nothing! It had stopped! I decided to head up that way without even checking for the blood trail. It was around 80 to 120 yards up where I thought it had came from, just inside a little patch of trees atop the ridge. I walked as quiet as I could getting to the spot I thought the noise had come from. Splash two baby, splash two!!!! An awesome 6 point with a 10 inch royal on his right hand side!!! I was pumped!!!

GREEN SCORE: 306-2/8

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