Yeti GOBOX Collection

bulls bulls bulls story complete!!


Just goy back last night. I hunted with my
partner for 5 straight days. He was limited
to using a bow . A 7x7 was taken the first day
pretty close to the lake on a small island.
A nice bull, but short horns. We helped him
pack it out in the middle of the day. The second day some guy from Spokane shot a whopper. He had never been to the unit, and
said he would shoot the first legal elk.
Holy crap, the lucky sucker shot a huge
6x6 on the bar close to Fletcher Creek. The
guy who has the governors tag rough scored
himat 324. He was HUGE!! The 3rd dude
shot a small 5pt in Wilsons field on Thurs.
My partner and I saw 6 different bulls, five
6pt, and 1 5pt. The biggest was so big it
madethe 324 look small, and thats no lie.
The dang bull would not come out of the park.
My partner was waiting near the line, while
I called and tryed to piss it off. He came
15 friggen feet from the line, but wouldn't
come out. I think that bull will go close
to 340.Anyway, we ain't done with the big guy yet.I'll
be back for the last 2 days, wed and Thurs
and give it all we got. As far as Big Creek
Island, you and I both know who owns it, or
part of it. We know Bruce, but he was guiding
Dick Jakupson. We stayed out of his way, but
he left Friday for 5 days, so we asked for
permission and got it. Its a cool place, but
the elk haven't moved in yet.If you got any
last minute ideas, let me know. That place
is loaded with huge bulls. By Wed, Jack will
most likely be the last guy in there. If you
want to talk, repond back and I'll e-mail
you my toll free work #.
Holy Chiit! :eek: Makes me scared to post on here when you guys are shooting monsters like that! Congrats man!
Kenetrek Boots

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