bulls bulls bulls story complete!!

Raybow....I think I read where you said you were a faller and that you lived in forks for awhile....was wondering if you knew Elmer or Kevin Blankenship, both timber fallers and hard houndhunters. Both guided a little bit also. Nice elk by the way.
Awesome story - Never heard anyone refer to an ELK as "Rat Bastard" though! Sound's like a mob hit?

Which is badder - a Ninja, or a Mobster?
NINJA is !!! BUT just cuz I'm in TRAINGING !!!!!!

RAYBO, KUDOS to ya again !!!! And a good story to boot.. YA RAT BASS-TURD ;) HAHA !


I was in your neck of the woods a few summers back on vacation with the wife. We stayed at the Three Rivers Lodge north of Forks in one of those dinky cabins they have there for a couple of days. Actually they werent too bad to stay in... Anyhow, man that is some THICK beautiful country out there!!! I dont know how you would ever find an elk or deer in that jungle... We had a great time, got to go to the beach out west of there, went to the Hoh Rainforest, Victoria, Hurricane ridge area and I got to go catch some nice Halibut and Ling Cod out of Neah Bay...mmm mmmmmmmm!!! Great area! Lots of cool stuff to do. Youre a lucky guy...
Hey Gato and Ray,

My dad and I ran into the Blankenships many years ago (probably about 20 years ago) while hunting bear over that way. I can still remember a lot of the race, they had a couple real screamers that were flat hammering a bear. I was only 10-11 years old, so dont remember much about them, but my dad and his buddies mention them now and again.



Thats a cool name for a Black lab ray.

Oh yeah, yesterday I was at the bowshop and this gal was telling the pro how she wanted to kill this other guy, there was a pause, and then she said, "cause I know martial arts and stuff!"

I got the hell out of there asap, I didn't want her flipping out and killing me without even giving a crap!
Congrats!! Nice rat bastards...
Raybow... I know the blankenships through a good freind of mine leon olsen....both leon and kevin have a buisness together over in sweethome or. South Canyon Cutters.... I go over and hunt with them every now and then, I just sold a pup to kevin couple weeks ago as matter of fact. Elmers out of the dogs right now, hes pretty crippled up. He had a limb fall and break his back, you might already know that story. Elmer is a walking encycyclopedia when it comes to dogs though...there isn't many people out there that can claim to done half as much as he has. You ever seen that video of Northwest Hunters greatest hits, that has the bobcat segment in it with Kevin.....LOL...I laugh everytime I see it..kevin has the deer in the headlights look when there trying to interview him and hes giving them one liner replys....lmao
Horn Seeker:
Funny you should mention that cause my Black lab's name is ninja. Awsome dog-has helped pack many of elk out in his time. Great companion for hunting!!
Kevin and Elmer are close personal friends of mine!! Have hunted with both running clients through them. High class people period!!! They don't come much better for getting results. I've got some pretty wild stories I could tell, but not nearly enough time in the day. The cougar, bear and bobies couldn't run fast enough when they were around!! I could go on and on about some great stories but---; how do you know them, from hunting in Idaho??
Weekend Warrior:
That Flipping dog is a little loopy!! Hell I don't know what the heck is going on till the dust settles, then it seems like I spend all my time covering for him and cleaning his mess up. That dog is phsyco.

True story::: I took him hiking with me one time and he loves to stay right ahead of me. Well, he went around the corner where there used to be a 5 foot spruce spanning the creek and all I heard was a splash!!! Man, I went running over there and the spruce had been washed out by high water. That goofy dog either fell or just decided to jump into the water. It was 25 feet down!! I couldn't believe it when I looked over the edge and he was standing in the water looking up, wagging his tail. It was at that moment, I truly knew, he was three shy of a six pack!!
You may have seen me shooting a bobby with my bow on that video. I've got a couple videos of the same stuff. I have got a 7x9 Roosevelt on one of them. I was videoing big blacktail and that bull was bugeling in November. Don't even ask me why cause I don't know. Maybe him and my dog stayed up late the night before partying and he got his dates mixed up. You're right though. Elmer taught Kev everything he knows. It is tough for him cause he loves getting out there. I remember the accident. I've got 4 lag screws going into l-4 and l-5 vertabrea and then harris rods running horizontally and vertically with a bone graft around all the hardware. They told me I couldn't lift over 20 pounds and that was 10 years ago. I'm still packing elk out! I feel pretty fortunate though. Living in Forks, used to be tough when the logging industry was balls to the walls. I lost over half of my graduating class and one brother through the years getting killed in the woods. It was just the way it was.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-27-2002 23:03: Message edited by: raybow 1 ]</font>
That is why I like to hunt the elk in those areas. You can get within bow range easier with all that brush. SOMETIMES!!! The Hohj rain forest is where the discovery channel filmed that world record Roosevelt a few years back!! So they say
I think they were eating dreamos for breakfast.

Awesome elk, and the story was incredible.
I've been guilty of saying that Washington
elk hunting sucks, but I guess some guys
know how to get it done!! I'm leaving
tommorow to meet up with my friend Jack who
drew the Quinault bull hunt. I'll be with
him for a week or so to help out and hopefully get some on video. I know theres
some monster bulls in there this time of
year, so we both pretty pumped. Hopefully
I'll be posting some good pics after the
Spotted owl:
No better place in the country than right where you are going. The potential for a world record bull is always present and possible. You will get some monsters on video this time of the year. Are you going to be hunting big creek flats?
Raybow I hear ya there, not to much work tougher or more dangerous then logging, I know my share also. If it don't kill ya it eventually cripples you all that hard work breaks you down pretty quick.

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