
Bullets Being Shaved During Seating

Think I'd borrow the buddy's dies and try them in my press. That should tell you if it's the dies or something else. Probably not in need of annealing. If that was the problem I'd think it would have happened at your buddy's house also, you said it didn't. Could be the expander on your FL die is a bit undersized. Also if you can get ahold of a BT bullet, try that. Sometime's small problems are easier to live with than fix. And then the answer to small problems sometimes is right under your nose and you kick yourself when you find it!

I think the OP used his own dies at his buddies house. Still think it’s a problem with the press.
You could have your buddy bring his dies over. But before he used them, have him set up your dies, in your press and have him load a couple.
That would eliminate any proceedural errors on your part.
If he gets shavings, then have him try his dies in your press.

I'm really surprised your getting shavings from loading a boat tailed bullet.
Only time i got shavings was LSWC when i didn't expand the case mouth enough on my 45ACP.
Many times the shavings are from the chamfer. It’s due to the case neck being undersized but it really shouldn’t hurt anything if it’s just a tiny bit of shavings.

I almost always size without an expander ball and I've never shaved any metal from a bullet when seating. Of course I chamfer inside and out for new brass, but not again after the first loading. Makes no difference if BT or flat base bullet.
Have you pulled a bullet to see if the shaving is all the way around or just one one side? I assume you also cleaned your seating die.
Do you trim your brass?
If so you have more than likely remover any chamfer/deburred area. Hence would need done again. Every time you trim.
I think the OP used his own dies at his buddies house. Still think it’s a problem with the press.

If the ram was that much out of alignment with the die would the bullet maybe be seated noticeably crooked?

The best alignment would be if someone set up a system where the shellholder actually enters the die a couple mm.
Just reread your post and saw this

I always resize new brass, just to make sure everything is the same dimension and imo it should always be done

If new brass chambers in the rifle it's going to be used in then I just chamfer it, deburr the flash holes and load it.
Do you trim your brass?
If so you have more than likely remover any chamfer/deburred area. Hence would need done again. Every time you trim.

Frankly. I can't recall ever getting enough loadings from a case to require trimming. Usually I've way too many cases and it takes me a long time to cycle the brass. Something like the 6.5-06 AI will get loose primer pockets before it ever needs trimming, but if I trim I chamfer.
Maybe it's the way that you're chamfering that's the problem. You usually need just a light turn with one of those rocket shaped RCBS tools. Do the outside first then do the inside. If you do aggressive chamfering and do the inside first you maybe create a knife edge on the case mouth and fold it over if you do the outside second. That could be why you're shaving the bullets.