Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Bullet Failure?

I talked to Steve. He’s wondering if the twist rate of my rifle is too slow to stabilize the bullet. It’s a M70 Featherweight I got off Gunbroker so I’ll measure the twist and see if that was the issue.
Did you figure out what twist your rifle has?
Looks like bullet failure to me. Id talk to hammer.
Can't see well enough but looks to me like the tip did not open at all. Winchester put's plastic tips in and they claim it's to ensure the bullet opens. Years ago I shot some Sierra HP bullet's into newspaper at 100yds and in every bullet the tip closed shut and bullet bent. No expansion at all.
Who knows. I have read bullet failure stories about every bullet I have used since the web got up and running. Even from old bullets that all these new experts have never used. I don't base my bullet choices off of the internet. mtmuley
Me either. I was curious though, plugged hollow point or something?

I think I’ll transition to the tipped flavor when I run out of the Hunters.
Who knows. I have read bullet failure stories about every bullet I have used since the web got up and running. Even from old bullets that all these new experts have never used. I don't base my bullet choices off of the internet. mtmuley
I agree - but the ones where a poorly performing bullet are recovered are unique....
I agree - but the ones where a poorly performing bullet are recovered are unique....
Not really. Like I said, every bullet has a failure story. Every one. And if it is recovered, where is the failure? I consider some bullets a failure even when the animal is dead and I don't recover the bullet. mtmuley
I’m usually with if the animal is recovered the bullet did its job. In this case if the twist rate is what hammer recommends this bullet did not perform as it should. Obviously the shooter did his job by placing the bullet in the right place.congratulations on your moose.keep us posted on what hammer has to say. Bob
I’m usually with if the animal is recovered the bullet did its job. In this case if the twist rate is what hammer recommends this bullet did not perform as it should. Obviously the shooter did his job by placing the bullet in the right place.congratulations on your moose.keep us posted on what hammer has to say. Bob
Thanks Bob. mtmuley
I’m usually with if the animal is recovered the bullet did its job. In this case if the twist rate is what hammer recommends this bullet did not perform as it should. Obviously the shooter did his job by placing the bullet in the right place.congratulations on your moose.keep us posted on what hammer has to say. Bob

Why isn’t there a confused emoji? “I’m usually with if the animal is recovered the bullet did its job?” So, if you wound a bull on a hot early season day shooting a 300 rum filled with old Core-Lokts that explode on its scapula, and it is recovered 2 days later bloated and half eaten by coyotes it did its job?

Words and detailed statements are important.
Recover meaning still edible. Not days later. The op was using hammer bullets so not sure where the core locks come in. Also the op recovers his moose it seems In enough time to process it. Recovery to me is in a timely manner where the game can be consumed. Is an acceptable response? Bob
Recover meaning still edible. Not days later. The op was using hammer bullets so not sure where the core locks come in. Also the op recovers his moose it seems In enough time to process it. Recovery to me is in a timely manner where the game can be consumed. Is an acceptable response? Bob
You guys have a good time with this. mtmuley
Recover meaning still edible. Not days later. The op was using hammer bullets so not sure where the core locks come in. Also the op recovers his moose it seems In enough time to process it. Recovery to me is in a timely manner where the game can be consumed. Is an acceptable response? Bob
Bob, were you speaking to just that specific circumstance? It came across as a broad belief statement, very broad and lacked details.

I think it’s critical in today’s age to have detailed well-thought out messages to share in “public.”
Kind of what I was trying to say is if an animal is down at the shot or immediately after the shot. And the shooter is able to have the animal in their possession. To me the bullet usually isn’t a failure.But in the original post I would consider that hammer bullet as a failure. That is what I was trying to say. I’m not the best at getting a point across with the written word on the net . Be well all Bob
Kind of what I was trying to say is if an animal is down at the shot or immediately after the shot. And the shooter is able to have the animal in their possession. To me the bullet usually isn’t a failure.But in the original post I would consider that hammer bullet as a failure. That is what I was trying to say. I’m not the best at getting a point across with the written word on the net . Be well all Bob
Absolutely buddy! No hard feelings. Just remember we’re spreading the message of ethical humane hunting.

We all dream of bang flop, but that can’t always happen even with beautiful bullet performance.

She went bang, spin bite, spin bite, flop. I couldn’t have hit her better. You can see the hole. It passed slightly angling back obliterating her heart and lungs and creating a silver dollar sized hole out the other side.

I shot a muley buck two years ago at 215 square through the heart, and the hammer appeared to have worked perfectly after. However he ran about a hundred yards before I put another through his vitals where he dropped instantly.

Question? What’s worse performance? An exploding bullet or a non-expanding pencil? I had a ballistic tip explode on a bull elk scapula 20 years ago. It was a 338 traveling at about 3100 fps. It killed him, but it wasn’t quick or clean. Ruined a shiz pile of meat too. Most people would think my shot was okay. He was stepping forward with his left leg shifting back. I should have waited for him to stop. Young and nervous.


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For me an exploding bullet is worse . I have seen photos of bullets exploded on shoulders on deer that required multiple hits. I think if a hunter hits lungs, heart, or cns with a bullet that doesn’t expand but penetrates fully or at least through vitals and the animal will die. How far the animal travels I can not say. On the exploding bullet if penetration is into the vitals that should also work. I don’t tell folks what bullet to use. Me I like putting an animal down as quickly as possible. Take care Bob

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