Caribou Gear Tarp

Budget Binoculars


Active member
Aug 4, 2019
Looking to buy a set of 10x binoculars for a WY antelope hunt this year. My only constraint is budget, I’d like to keep it at around $200. So far I’ve been looking at Vortex Diamondback HDs, and the Leupold BX-1 McKenzie. Does anyone have experience with these or have any other suggestions? Also willing to look for used optics to get something better for the same price. Thanks!
I can’t speak to the Theron optics, but will give a vote for shopping with predator optics! Great service and price

I’m running a set of Mavens that I really like so far, but I think they are in the $300 price range.
If you can bump your price to $300 (That's list...might be able to get them for cheaper), take a look at the new Optika line from Meopta. I'd take Meopta over Vortex any day.
I'm pretty sure Schmalts (Predator Optics) carries Meopta.
My son had a pair of the older Diamondbacks and they were pretty good, then he won a pair of the Diamondback HD binos and I thought there was a noticeable improvement. IMO, the new Diamondbacks are nice binos. I think optics have a personal fit as well, try to go somewhere where you can look through a few pairs in your price range.
I picked up a pair of the Diamondbacks during Bass Pro's black Friday sale for $130. So far I've been really happy with them. And considering that they are my first full size pair of binos and a significant step up from prior pairs, I think they are worth the money I spent.
I am also in the market for a set of budget friendly binoculars. I compared the Vortex Diamondback (Non HD version) with the BX-1 and BX-2 side by side and I was sad to find that both Leupold binos lacked in clarity in comparison. I haven't had a chance to look through any Meoptas yet.
I have a pair of the Diamondbacks. They're ok. When it gets really cold it is almost impossible to turn the focus knob on them.
I am not a connoisseur of optics, but my kids have Diamondback HDs and I have Theron Questas. The Vortex aren't bad, but using them side by side with my Questas, the Theron binos are better IMO.
I have a pair of the old Diamondbacks and McKenzies. No comparison the Diamondbacks are better so if the HDs are an improvement then it's a no-brainer.
I have the Diamondbacks, got them a couple years ago on a Black Friday sale. I think they're decent for the money and the glass seems to fit my needs for now.
Thanks everyone so far for the suggestions. Seems like I’ll be looking at Theron, Diamondbacks, and Meopta. Any suggestions for maybe some higher priced optics that I could look for used?
Take a look at the nikon prostaff 7s. Just picked a pair up and I am pretty happy with the clarity and build for a pair of 200$ binos. With that said my brother has the diamondback hd and they are very comparable.
I bought a pair of Diamondbacks with my first paycheck after graduating college. They were ok, but by the end of the first season I found I was primarily relying on my rifle scope in anything less than full sun.

I upgraded and the Diamondbacks turned into my truck binos. I'd save a little more or explore some of the other options.