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Budget B.C. Bike trip


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2019
East central, Il
Probs not worthy of it own thread,
but in the spirit of public land, work’s been slow this week (I’m losing my ass), so I decided I’d better try to ride this chit out as long as I can and headed to the other B.C. (Brown county Indiana).
The “little smokies” if you will.
Just outside of Bloomington, In, home of Indiana University.
Pretty cool place.
Some pretty deep holes that would suck to drag a deer out of.
Wish I would’ve got some better pictures.
It’s weird how freaking gross and impassible the hardwoods get in the summer.
Climbed A couple cool fire towers i didn’t get any pictures of...
Tried riding the epic loop, but the back trails weren’t trimmed and gross.
Some of the black trails had good enough exposure to paralyze you and had me pretty worried in my clipless pedals.
Honestly, as an xc guy, the bigger climbs and longer descents felt weird compared to home.
More so on the descents.
Like just coasting forever.
Still pretty cool.
@neffa3 if you find yourself in Indy again I’d say it’d be worth the trip to go down there and run tho.
I rode clipless for quite a few years. Switched to flats two years ago. Guess I'm getting old, but I like the heck out of them. Proper shoes stick really well.
On trails I know and the road, I like the egg beaters.
If idk the trails and there’s rocks and the risk of falling off anything I like the flats.
Egg beaters are a clip in style of pedal.

Flats are just that. Flat pedals that have studs on them for grip so your shoes don’t slip. Typically you wear a skate board type shoe like 5 tens.

Both have been around for years.
Well I would have totally got that wrong on the test if I had to guess. Even assuming I knew the question was about bike pedals, I was have selected egg beaters as being the flats because when you slip on the flats and it slams into your shim and tears the hell out of it, it feels like it was beaten like an egg!
Well I would have totally got that wrong on the test if I had to guess. Even assuming I knew the question was about bike pedals, I was have selected egg beaters as being the flats because when you slip on the flats and it slams into your shim and tears the hell out of it, it feels like it was beaten like an egg!
Actually the studs will score your leg quite cleanly.
what in the hell are we talking about? Type of hiking shoes and I'm just not cool enough to know the lingo?
You don't have to be cool to get the lingo.
But if you ride a mountain bike on single-track you will quickly figure out options that have names.😁
Should I explain single-track?😉😊
Don't worry, I'm old school and mostly out of touch.( by choice).
Brown County is gorgeous. In that neck of the woods you should have heard up to Edinburgh for the epic BPT at the Edinburgh Diner..... I miss home 😀

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