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Bucks and bulls on backpacks


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2012
SE Montana
I have always respected hunters that hike in to some remote canyon and pack their buck out on there back. In my opinion this method of hunting is the apex of DIY. A set of antlers on a back pack can make for a great picture. Would be nice to see a bunch of pictures of hunters getting it done with a backpack.

I took this buck close to twenty years ago on the second weekend of the season. Hunted him four days. I didn't see a deer the first three days. In the afternoon of the fourth I was setting on a rock when I spotted him sneaking through the junipers 300 yards below me.

A friend and I went back in the next day and packed him out. He took this picture when we took a rest at the top of the hill. One of my all time favorite hunting pictures.

I am sure that are lots of other great backpack pictures so post them up.



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I dont have any pictures to post but I love looking at everyone elses. I think pack out pictures are just as cool as a picture of the kill.
This may be a really good thread! I am also a fan of hauling racks on the backs pics!

This is my one and only elk, and one of my favorites from the Montana archery elk trip. I was so exhausted by this point of packing, I didn't care about having it taken, but my buddy did take it because of the storm in the background we were trying to beat and thought it was cool. This was about 5pm on Monday, and I shot him at 7pm on sunday. 22 solid hours of packing and hauling.

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This was my second trip.The first was a little heavier. This was around 2002.


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A bit unconventional. We had a huge storm come through about 30 minutes prior to this. We had a small window where it cleared off and I was able to take this antelope. We were concerned about being caught out in the open in the lightening and down pour, so we just straped him on whole.


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