Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Bucket list.....

The big money hunts don’t feel as out of reach as the hard to draw hunts.

The hunt I want to draw most is a Late Kaibab mule deer tag.

Money hunt, Brooks Range Moose.
I’d love to do one of them Utah ranch elk hunts… with my family. I’m always telling cool stories to my wife about the elk woods, but never seem to be able to give her that experience. It’d be so cool to see my wife and daughter experience a bugling bull, while also enjoying a warm shower and hot meal every night.
I can’t pick one

1 : Any DIY Bighorn (Stone, Rocky, Dall, Desert in order if I was forced to rank them)

2: Archery Elk peak rut or Spring Merriams turkey - in both cases as the only tag holder in a sub-alpine spot with no one around for 30 miles in any direction. Don’t care what state/province.
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I've ticked off a lot of 'bucket list' type hunts over the years and have a few remaining.

Cape buff in Tanzania or Zim
Elephant in Botswana
Kamchatka Snow sheep
Maral in central Rus.
Big ass Canadian whitetail in Saskatchewan
Coues deer in Mexico

The first few will be down the road, but the last couple will be in the near future.
ID Mountain Goat in an area I grew up running around. Statistically speaking, I "should" draw in the next 24 years. Hope the tag hits before my knees say "no mas."
I've always been one of those whose interest in the landscape pretty much determines what species falls into the bucket.

Having crossed off a few locations in recent years, the next four priorities, not in any specific order, are:

Brooks Range of Alaska - I missed a chance with Grandpa for Dall Sheep. So, this time it will likely be caribou, if that is still allowed for non-residents and non-subsistence hunters.

McKenzie Mountains - This one is getting crossed off in 2023. I really don't care if it is mountain caribou or Dall Sheep. Ten days covering the landscape is something I am looking forward to.

Finland - Capercaillie has been on the list for a while. A grouse of that size, on a landscape I've dreamed of, is a bucket item.

Yukon - I don't really care if it is ptarmigan, moose, sheep, caribou, or whatever. I just want to see this county for a couple weeks with a rifle in hand.