Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

BS - bumper sticker


Active member
Dec 3, 2007
having these made up. if anyone is interested, let me know. will be 3 1/2 x 11 1/2. cost will be in the 3-4 dollar range with the cost of postage. right now, think I have about 60 left over.


  • KeepTheChange-1.gif
    34.4 KB · Views: 268
Shouldn't have any trouble selling those. :D

When I saw the thread title...I was expecting to see something for Big Shooter...
Flipper, have sold a few already on other sites. thats why I'm down to the 60 or so left. not trying to get rich, but if all these get sold, may order more. and if it wasn't for the cost of the larger size envelopes, the mailing cost would be .42. gotta love the post office.
and if it wasn't for the cost of the larger size envelopes, the mailing cost would be .42. gotta love the post office.

LMAO! That's funny coming from you. You'll take one taxpayer subsidized government entity, as long as it benefits you.:rolleyes:

Postal service considers cutting delivery day
Postal service considers cutting one day of mail delivery due to deficit
The Associated Press
updated 5:05 p.m. MT, Wed., Jan. 28, 2009

WASHINGTON - Massive deficits could force the post office to cut out one day of mail delivery per week, the postmaster general told Congress on Wednesday.

Postmaster General John E. Potter asked lawmakers to lift the requirement that the agency deliver mail six days a week.

Faced with dwindling mail volume and rising costs, the post office was $2.8 billion in the red last year and, “if current trends continue, we could experience a net loss of $6 billion or more this fiscal year,” Potter said in testimony for a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs subcommittee.

Total mail volume was 202 billion items last year, more than 9 billion less than the year before, the largest single volume drop in history.
And, despite annual rate increases, Potter said 2009 could be the first year since 1946 that the actual amount of money collected by the post office declines.

“It is possible that the cost of six-day delivery may simply prove to be unaffordable,” Potter said. “I reluctantly request that Congress remove the annual appropriation bill rider, first added in 1983, that requires the Postal Service to deliver mail six days each week.”

If the change is made, that doesn’t necessarily mean an end to Saturday mail delivery. Previous studies have looked at the possibility of skipping some other day, such as Tuesday.

“The ability to suspend delivery on the lightest delivery days, for example, could save dollars in both our delivery and our processing and distribution networks. I do not make this request lightly, but I am forced to consider every option given the severity of our challenge,” Potter said.

That doesn’t mean it would happen right away, he noted, adding that the agency is working to cut costs and any final decision on changing delivery would have to be made by the postal governing board.

If it did become necessary to go to five-day delivery, Potter said, “we would do this by suspending delivery on the lightest volume days.”

The Postal Service raised the issue of cutting back on days of service last fall in a study it issued. At that time the agency said the six-day rule should be eliminated, giving the post office, “the flexibility to meet future needs for delivery frequency.

A study done by George Mason University last year for the independent Postal Regulatory Commission estimated that going from six-day to five-day delivery would save the post office more than $1.9 billion annually, while a Postal Service study estimated the saving at $3.5 billion.

The next postal rate increase is scheduled for May, with the amount to be announced next month. Under current rules that would be limited to the amount of the increase in last year’s consumer price index, 3.8 percent. That would round to a 2-cent increase in the current 42-cent first class rate.

The agency could request a larger increase because of the special circumstances, but Potter believes that would be counterproductive by causing mail volume to fall even more.
Oak the only reason the United States Post Office was $2.8 billion in the red last year, is because of the over paid employees...just like the UAW guys. ;)
"You'll take one taxpayer subsidized government entity, as long as it benefits you." Oak, what the fugg are you talking about? what subsidy am I taking advantage of? if the price for mailing was less, I would charge less than I am asking for these things. next time, so there will be no confusion, will see if I can post a picture so everyone can understand what I am talking about.

and FYI. back here, they have already cut the numbers of days they deliver mail. and pretty sure, they predicted the postal service was going to be losing money when the invented email. and since another govt entity wasn't smart enough to cut costs back when they started losing money, they continued with the "same old ways". kinda like what nobama is doing with his new budget with all the pig in it.

Oak, if you don't want a bumper sticker, thats fine, but damn, are you that bored? or does it go against your beliefs about the citizens being able to decide for themselves about keeping their own money, guns, and freedoms?:confused:
Hope you are collecting sales tax and turning the proceeds over.

Were you surprised that a bumper sticker is the epitome of TLC's ability to express his opinion?
TLC, you have got to admit that there is a bit of irony in you praising a taxpayer-subisdized government agency that allows you to cheaply mail your anti big government bumper stickers. Even more irony in the fact that you follow it up with comparing the agency you praise to Obama's new budget policies.

Jose, nothing about TLC surprises me any more.
Here are a few quotes for you from a friend of mine who is in the know ;)

I've been at the Memphis Bulk Mail Center for my entire postal career and I've seen alot of management and craft decisions that I couldn't believe. They've happened so often that I just got to the point that ignored them and just did my job despite them. Right now, in my opinion, they have a new "game plan" going on that really takes the cake. They are trying to downsize all over the nation. Where I work they have about 32 people on the excess list. (That's saying we don't need these people). The problem is that contractually, they have to place these people within the postal service within X number of miles from home. With downsizing going on everywhere there are no openings. So our brilliant management staff has come up with an excellent idea on how to handle the situation. In order to excess them they have to try and prove they don't need them. They pulled all these people off the workroom floor and have them sitting upstairs every day for their 8 hour shift with 1 or 2 supervisors to oversee them while they just sit there. They just watch TV, play cards, chitchat, etc. while all are drawing full pay, including the supervisors. Meanwhile on the workroom floor, all areas are understaffed and shift their workers from area to area rather than devote their time to actually and completely doing the job required in their immediate work areas. At the same time they are paying those working overtime every day as well as Sunday premium for bringing them in on the weekends. This is similar to paying out $100 to make $10 back. This may last for the next 6 months or longer.

I asked him same 2.8 billion dollar question, his reply;

I'd say there is a small percentage of truth to that. When you look around at work you'll see many workers that should be fired on the spot. Also out of 400 workers 115 of them will be on limited or light duty thus "unable" to perform their regular duties. Management is responsible for allowing this among other things that go on. Also management from the top brass down is generally corrupt. Just from what I've seen under the roof where I work in 34 years management has come from within. They were promoted by those that got there the same way. Be in the same social click, go to the same church, have some dirt on someone else, advance from sexual exchange favors, or cause so many problems that promotion will end them, and have 1 thing in common...you don't work and therefore no nothing about supervising work. This is what runs the postal service.

Also something that isn't generally known by the public is that once upon a time the postal service was self sufficient. The money generated by sales and service was used to pay salaries, purchase equipment and machinery. etc. Then Congress (you really want to talk about crooks) stepped in. From that point forward the postal system was only allowed to keep X percentage of generated revenues and the rest was dedicated to the national economy. Between gross mismanagement and the lack of funds to run efficiently there has been a downward spiral every since.
Flipper, no surprise that it has been hijacked. look at who did it.

Oak, where did I ever praise the postal service? what part of it would have been cheaper if it wasn't for them do you not understand? and guessing you are the same as Jose. no answers to the questions asked?
So which is it TLC? Are you praising the the Post Office for supplying you with cheap postage at the expense of taxpayers, or are you bitching about the cost to you for sending mail through the Post Office, despite them already being $2.8 billion in the red?

And what is Big Fin's cut for allowing you to peddle your bumper stickers on his website?
And what is Big Fin's cut for allowing you to peddle your bumper stickers on his website?

Oak...you know I love ya like a brother...even if your political views are jacked :p ;)

But that wasn't very fair...what has kept you from making the same statement about everything that has been up forsale in this forum in the past 8 or 9 years?
"Oak, where did I ever praise the postal service?" maybe if I post it again, you will answer the question. but since you seem to want to run with Jose now, doubt you will, or worse yet, can't answer the question. HINT: I'll help you out since it seems you need it - never praised them.

as far as Big Fins cut, how about I give him the same that everyone else has given the owner of this site for "peddling" things on here. sound fair to you? or are you just looking to further nobamas redistribution of wealth agenda? and since you want to bring other members into this, why don't you ask Big Fin what he wants.
Look at the bright side...I think you are getting alot more hits on your bumper stickers than normal. :D :D
TLC, you said:

and if it wasn't for the cost of the larger size envelopes, the mailing cost would be .42. gotta love the post office.

You were either praising the Post Office for their low, subsidized rates, or you were being sarcastic about them charging you more to ship a larger envelope. So which is it?

I guess I missed the other folks peddling their political propaganda on Hunttalk. If you can show it to me, I'll treat them equally.

why don't you ask Big Fin what he wants

Maybe you should have done that before posting.

Flipper, what are my political views? Most the political statements I've made on here have to do with whether or not a politician supports or does not support wildlife, wildlife habitat, and my privelege to hunt. If you can show me differently, please do.
nobody can be this stupid. the cost of the package for the bumper sticker and the postage and envelopes is going to be in the 3-4 dollar range. if the post office didn't charge so much more for the larger envelopes, the cost would have been in the 2.50 range. I was letting the folks know why they are more than they would be under normal circumstances.

so, you are the one to decide what is OK to sell and what isn't in this section? nice to know you think you're the board cop. nice to know that it is OK for YOUR agenda to be posted in here,(the website) but not one that may be opposite to yours. guess I missed the part about no bumper stickers are allowed to be sold. guessing you must be against free speech also.

why don't you ask Big Fin what he wants - my quote.

Maybe you should have done that before posting. - your quote.

seems you are the one bothered by it. and you are the one that brought Big Fins name into it. so think we'll let it stay where you ask him. after all, you're the one thats so offended.
Flipper, what are my political views? Most the political statements I've made on here have to do with whether or not a politician supports or does not support wildlife, wildlife habitat, and my privelege to hunt. If you can show me differently, please do.

I can't you never post in CE...unless it is a outdoors style topic. But don't get your panties all in a bunch...just razzing you, hence the :p and ;)
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