BS - bumper sticker

TLC what government subsidy do you get that your being accused of? Is that what they call paychecks now adays? Man I thought this site would be different then the other one were used to, but I see there are still LCERB's on this site also that will blast a guy when he's not looking. Though overall I want to commend whoever runs this site, as I believe it is one of the best on the web for us hunters and gunowners. I just hope I don't find as many liberal fruit lovers on this site.
I worked for Bethlehem Steel Lackawanna Plant for nine years so I was USW. But the union had nothing to do with their demise. Here is the truth about the demise of the US steel industry. In 1946 Japans steel industry was a smoldering wreckage. They (they being Kawasaki Heavy Industry among others) rebuilt using the most modern equip available and continually updated/upgraded their equip. While Bethlehem continued to produce steel using blast furnaces and coke ovens built at the turn of the century. In the seventies one Japanese blast furnace in eight hours produced as much iron in eight hours as all of Bethlehems blast furnaces produced in twenty four hours. So the Japanese were producing in one shift what Bethlehem produced in three. Same thing goes for their coke ovens and rolling mills. So Bethlehem was paying three shifts of workers while the Japanese were paying one shift to do the same production. Instead of reinvesting into the company the bigwigs were lining their pockets and crying to the govt they couldn't compete. Well, a horse and buggy ain't ever gonna win a race against an Indy car.
Ask yourself this. About eight years ago GM came out with the Saturn line in all that time not only didn't Saturn make a profit it never got to the break even point. So if it wasn't profitable why did GM continue to build them? What the hell was GM doing in the mortgage business? Ditech was GMAC. Seen any Ditech ads lately? Didn't think so.
Chrysler and Gm both in bankruptcy. Wait a second where's Ford? Ford isn't in bankruptcy. Ford is UAW!!! If as some think the unions were resposible for Chrysler and GMs demise why isn't Ford in bankruptcy. Now here's a really crazy and I mean really really crazy thought. Could it be that Fords management were smarter than Chrysler and GM's? Ford's union contract is the same as Chrysler and GM. Sure they're posting losses but so are Toyota and Honda but they're not bankrupt either. The roots a companies tree stands on is management and if managements rotten what happens to the tree?
Ask yourself this. About eight years ago GM came out with the Saturn line in all that time not only didn't Saturn make a profit it never got to the break even point. So if it wasn't profitable why did GM continue to build them? What the hell was GM doing in the mortgage business? Ditech was GMAC.

Welcome to the Forum, didn't take you long to establish that you are full of shit and don't have a clue what your are ranting about. I am guessing you will get along fine with TLC....

Saturn was established in the 1980's and the first cars were 1991 models.... It must be hell when people get so old that they can't remember shit.

Unless you only count Leap Years, it was a helluva lot longer than "about 8 years ago"....

Here is what a 1991 Saturn looked like....


But don't let facts interfere with your need to blame others....
OK I was wrong about when GM introduced Saturn fact remains it never made a profit or even broke even. And you can find that little FACT in the papers GM submitted to the court. Here's another fact you should be aware of during the seventies while I was working in the steelmill Ford and the UAW teamed up on a "Buy American" campaign. All the while Ford was buying Jap steel.
Wow, I've run across alot of pompous prick's on different forum's, but I already think that Cuervo takes the cake. I think I'll have to call him Pee Pee from now on. Hey Pee Pee, didn't your mama teach you any manner's?
Hey there Jose, that was pretty well uncalled for. Not only did you blast Gutpile, but nailed TLC on top of it when he hadn't said a word to you. I agree with LD on what my thoughts about you are. Could you have not just stated the fact that Gut had made a simple mistake without belittleing him? Of course after giving some thought to why you would do that, I looked at your avatar and I can now see why. .You ought to give some thought to trying to treat folks the way you want to be treated. Now try to be nice there Raspass. I thought this board would be better then the one I came from, but I guess there are A-holes on all boards. enough said.
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Hey there Jose, that was pretty well uncalled for. Not only did you blast Gutpile, but nailed TLC on top of it when he hadn't said a word to you. .

I guess I don't have a lot of tolerance for racists or those who associate with the same, plus, the guy seems to have a lack of any knowledge on what he posts about. Check out this one from his earlier post from today....

Fivepoints I didn't make the short list for interview. But this was the second time they called me. Yes I'd love to move to Alaska. Ten minutes from downtown Anchorage we've seen moutain goats and bighorns playing on a cliffside fifty feet up from the road.

Something tells me he doesn't have a clue what he posts, but that won't stop him. I wonder if he is related to the Imaginary Corporal?

As a hunter, it always concerns me when guys who claim to be hunters don't have a clue what kind of big game animal they are looking at. There should be some sort of intelligence test for a hunting license.
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I guess I don't have a lot of tolerance for racists or those who associate with the same, plus, the guy seems to have a lack of any knowledge on what he posts about.

thats never stopped you from posting your your bitch blogs.

Something tells me he doesn't have a clue what he posts, but that won't stop him. I wonder if he is related to the Imaginary Corporal?

again, the kettle and the pot analogy comes to mind.

As a hunter, it always concerns me when guys who claim to be hunters don't have a clue what kind of big game animal they are looking at. There should be some sort of intelligence test for a hunting license.

"As a hunter", sorry, had to stop laughing, anyways, it bothers me as a hunter when other supposed hunters want to ban guns.
Hey that was good Draftstud. Real good.
Now Jose I must be missing something. I have seen Gutpile on the boards for a couple years now and have seen nothing even resembling being a racist, but men are entitled to their opinions either way. I still can't see why he got blasted for, except maybe just being a new guy and being associated with TLC. Maybe thats it, you got a beef with TLC. Well if so, he is a big boy and can take it on his own without you getting on someone else. After seeing what you called gutpile in his username space "steamingpileofshit", I can see what kind of person you are now and figure we won't have a lot to say to each other. I don't like Obama loving LCERB's much myself. I say Good Day Sir, I SAID GOOD DAY SIR! Lol, ha, ha
Fivepoints I Didn't know you cared LOL! Momma always said people who have a need to tear down others should be pitied for their low lack of self esteem. Seems like that's all JC knows how to do. Though I've only been on this site a couple of days I've seen enough of his posts to have him pegged. You know whale poop is the lowest thing on earth(bottom of the sea) JC must still look up to see it.

JC you are quite right I AM an ASSHOLE but then you're JUST PASSIN THROUGH!!! You're also right I'm old. Old enough to have been surrounded and under seige for a month in the MeKong Delta during the 1972 Easter Offensive. You ever seen what a direct hit from an artillery round will do to your best buddy; well mister I have and it ain't pretty! Where were you? Havin yer diaper changed? OH I love your picture Pimp Daddy. You want a piece of me well bring it on any time any where! But bring lots of bandages you'll need em when I'm done; might want to make sure your health insurance is paid up too.
Nut, sold out of the first batch, so we ordered another 1500. if you want/need some, let me know. have to send some to the guys here that asked for them yet.
Nut, sold out of the first batch, so we ordered another 1500. if you want/need some, let me know. have to send some to the guys here that asked for them yet.

No thanks I do not put political stickers of any sort on my vehicles. I was just curious and wanted to bring the thread back to where it was supposed to be. Old habits die hard.;)
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