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Browning Shotguns for Sale


Mar 30, 2016
Birmingham, AL
I need to put a new transmission in my truck before it craps out, so a few toys gotta go:

(1) Browning BSS SxS 20ga, 3" chamber, 1974 build date I believe, can verify, choked Mod and IC (originally Full and Mod, but opened up by John Mercer, my stepfather, who was a custom rifle maker).
- Original browning naugahyde carrying case, original literature, etc. In extremely good condition.
- Silver non-selectable (Modified barrel shoots first) trigger model with TWO receiver screws - these actions are so strong they actually build african double rifles out of them.
- Barrels are "on the face," locks up tight, lever is over right
- Bores are clean with no rust, forcing cones also have been lengthened
- A pleasure to carry, it's only a touch over 6lbs. Absolutely dynamite on quail and dove.
$2550 - will not separate gun from case.

(2) Browning Citori Field, 12ga, 3" chamber, 1989 build date I believe, over/under, vent rib with mid-rib bead and bead at bore, Invector screw in choke system
- Barrels are "on the face," locks up tight, lever is over right
- Bores are clean with no rust
- Factory Browning recoil pad
- Have original chokes in factory tubes
- Steel shot is okay in these barrels
- Excellent condition

(3) Browning Citori Field, 16ga, 2 3/4" chamber, late 80s early 90s build date, over/under, vent rib with mid-rib bead and bead at bore, Invector screw in choke system
- Barrels are "on the face," locks up tight, lever is over right
- Bores are clean with no rust
- Better than average wood for field grade model
- Factory chokes and 2 Tru-Lock chokes
- Steel shot is okay in these barrels
- Excellent Condition

PM me and I can text pictures. Not looking for trades.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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