Bro's Ram!

Great ram. Congrats to your brother. Now, if you could just get the tag, you seem to be spending a lot of time in that country helping many others. I will make a formal request that they draw your name next year ........ right after they draw mine.

Now if we can keep the domestics from ruining it down there.

I hope that is not the case, Miller. That would be a disaster for hunters. If needed, we can drum up volunteers in quick notice, then go and physically remove those domestics, right? Domestics ruining thew world's finest sheep herd would not be a pretty day for hunter - sheep producer relations.
I'd be all for releasing masses of coyotes to control the domestics if it would help. We would just need BR to restrain himself from shooting them. It would be the lesser of the 2 evils.:rolleyes:
Freat pics. Great ram. Wow, wow, .... wow. Thanks for posting more pics. The chip in the horn is so killer! That is a gagger!

What a great memory for you. Congrats.
I wish everyone would quit talking about how good the sheep hunting is there, you're going to blow up the draw odds:hump::D

The only draw I ever got in on the ground floor and my 11 points don't mean nuttin.

I have some redneck cousins who told me in detail long ago about a lost band of domestic sheep they found and some ballistic, penetration (don’t go there) test with a brand new .300 mag. Sounded amusing.
Great ram, you guys did real good! Blows my mind how big those rams get at such a young age. 7 year old rams in CO just got rid of their spots :D
Caribou Gear

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