Bringing wolf pelt back into USA from Canada?


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2020
SW Florida and N. Georgia
I have a moose hunt planned this year In Alberta. In addition to the moose tag I also have a wolf tag. I know it’s not a problem to bring back the moose meat, but I don’t know if it’s a problem bringing back a wolf pelt. Does anyone know if this will be an issue?
Your outfitter should set you up with a provincial CITIES permit required for import into the U.S (and export from Canada).. You'll need your Hunt license and tag for the wolf. It needs to be fleshed to a reasonable extent.
Moose everything, except the CITIES. Meat, Paddles, Hide, etc packaged and stored in a manner available to inspect.

If you fill out the general info on this form (attached), it may save some time though not necessary - it will be completed when importing into the U.S..

If you don't have a CBP form 4457 (attached), it is helpful to complete and have the US CBP complete / validate/stamp when traveling outbound.
Use the 4457 as your declaration of temporary import/export of a firearm and list your scope w/ serial # as well - it reduces the likely-hood of duty applied for a scope unless you travel with the U.S. receipt... If you have any high dollar camera equipment / spotting scope - you can use that as well (separate form).
The 4457, once CBP stamped - may be kept with the rifle for the duration of your ownership for future international travel. I keep mine under the foam padding of the gun case.

CITIES info (CBP):



  • Wildlife Shipments - 3-177 2022.pdf
    756.9 KB · Views: 3
  • CBP Form 4457.pdf
    859.1 KB · Views: 3
When I went moose hunting in Alberta last year I had downloaded the Canadian Non-resident Firearms Declaration sheet and filled it out, but it is a legal size paper and my printer only does standard size, and Canadian Customs didn't like my 2 pages, so I had to fill out a new one there. They also asked to see my US Customs Form 4457, and my hunting contract with my Canadian Outfitter. They also came out to my car to inspect my rifle and verify it's serial number. And I paid the $25 Firearms Conformation Fee.

Coming home, there was a very long wait at US Customs and when I finally got an Agent, he only wanted to see my Canadian hunting license and had me fill out a form for the meat. He didn't want to look at the horns, cape, or meat. And they didn't ask to see my Form 4457.

On a previous Canadian hunt, US Customs inspected the skulls of my Caribou and Musk ox, and gave me a ration of $hit that my Muck ox skull hadn't been boiled. They finally let me through though.

Remembering my Musk ox hassle, I had asked my Moose Outfitter about boiling my moose skull, and he said just to stop at a car wash and pressure wash the skull, which I did, then the US Customs Agent didn't ask to see it. Better safe than sorry though.

I saw wolf tracks on my moose hunt, but didn't see any wolves.
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