Bringing a kid fishing in cancun?


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2013
Heading on a family vacation to Cancun the last week of February, I have never been to Mexico but have went on fishing charters a couple times in Maui. I am hoping to bring my 7 year old out fishing one day while we are there. He is a fanatic about any kind of fishing we have ever done. Not being versed in ocean fishing would a bottom fishing charter be the way to go for him vs. sportfishing? I could care less if i catch any fish but would like him to have a good time and be strong enough to reel his own fish up. Is 7 too young and just let him have fun playing in the ocean and on the beach instead of worrying about fishing? Any experienced ocean fisherman have advice or if anyone has any charters out of cancun they have used or to stay away from? We will be staying in the hotel zone.
Take him. I was taking Justin out since he was about 4. I have a video someplace of his little arms sweating, him straining and enjoying the fight. We were trolling for marlin. One went off, it was only a 3’ needlefish but we let him have it like it was a trophy! We put him in the fighting chair and he eventually landed it. He was maybe 5 years old. I say take them. They will forever remember and they will grow up as fishing fools!
One other memory. I would take him rock fishing when he was little. He was adamant he use his GI Joe pole w push button reel. That thing would bend so far I can’t believe it didn’t break the pole but he caught plenty of rockfish from 100-200’ deep! He loved that too
One of my favorite clients was a kid about 8. Came up with his maternal Grandpa. Handled the cold wet SW Alaska summer weather just fine. Got beat up but loved catching sockeye on a fly rod. Came for silvers the next year. Stuck with that for almost 20 years.
Take him, sounds much like my young friend. There would be worse outcomes than having a kid turn into a fish hunting monster.
I’d highly recommend getting Scopolamine patches and putting them on him the night before. If you’re out in 4-6 foot swells all day, that can be a lot for anyone to handle who’s not used to it, especially a youngster. Those patches work like magic, and nothing will ruin an offshore charter like someone getting sea sick. On windy, rough sea days, I’ve left my kid back with mom even with the patches, but he gets a little uncomfortable in inclement weather on the open ocean. If that won’t bother your kid, patch him up and have fun!
Take him for sure. Maybe see if you could book a half day charter for reef fish, or something similar (I've never fished Cancun), something you'll get a lot of action. My step son and daughter were 8 and 9 when we took them ocean fishing in Florida. Lots of little snapper, but they had a blast.
Caribou Gear

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