PEAX Equipment

Breaking Game Laws THEN Uploading It To YouTube?

For the noobs around here...

Lighted nocks are a good thing. Not a tech advantage. If you don't want them you better leave your phone and gps at home and wear all wool or cotton.
LOL, I find both you Randy (@Big Fin) and Marcus to be class acts when it comes to hunting and conservation. Everyone associated with you has owned up to their mistakes when they made them, especially you guys Bo and the ones I see in the videos more often. I have made mistakes too and lighted nocks is one of those "so what" things. I would forget I have them on still.
I appreciate how Randy has handled this. Agree that the OP could have handled it a bit differently, but this has been educational for me. Game laws are often very nuanced, especially for those of us who rarely hunt out of state. This makes me realize that many items are not black and white, and that I need to restudy some regs before pronghorn hunting next year.

Let’s be honest, the vast majority of us want to do what’s right, and try our best to do so. Also, most of us cannot hunt out of state very often, so its not like we get to know other states’ game laws easily. It’s pretty danged easy to overlook a law or two.

I screwed up a couple of years ago and accidentally broke a game law. I called the warden immediately upon my realization of this and let him know about it. Because I self-reported, he came up with a solution that was far more lenient than I expected, and I was so glad that I had done that proactively. Granted, it was a “heavier” violation than Marcus’, but several of my friends told me that I was crazy for telling on myself and that they would have never turned themselves in. But I knew, and God knew, and it has become a lesson about “doing the right thing” that I can pass down to my kids as well.
woke up on the wrong side of the bed two days in a row??

Maybe. I am certainly more sensitive to the cancel culture than most here, where 20 years of hard work can get taken out in the blink of an eye over something
so innocuous as a lighted nock. The shear folly of hanging it out on youtube, to me, is akin to hanging a pin'ata up at a 'peaceful' protest thinking no one will whack it.
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The trivial ch!t we worry about. It was addressed and handled when it was brought to the attention of the owner. There's honest mistakes and there's intent to do something illegal and try to get away with it. If it needs to be explained past the point of if it was not intentional, why would it have been filmed and released to the public? Granted it is illegal, but confessing up to it and admitting it is a whole different ball of buzzards than trying to hide and cover it up.

Randy + Marcus = Integrity imo. Mistakes happen, it's how you deal with them that matters more than the action itself. Kids and people are clueless to owning their actions. We live in a blame game society. Imo it's refreshing to see how this is being handled and a good teachable moment we all can learn from.
Possibly the dumbest F&G rule that can result in fines. Talk about the ultimate form over substance bureaucratic silliness.


as long as all the parts legally required to be taken out of the field (which can also be sticky) are there, who cares if the tag is on the antlers or a hind quarter

i was annoyed by my friends who sent me that picture saying "look how dumb steve is. he doesn't even know where to put the tag!"

and what i often want to say in response to those friends is "have you even shot a mule deer? cause last time i checked in your 13 years of 'hunting', you haven't"

but to love and be gracious is to not be a dick.... unfortunately
Tell me the rules so I can figger how to get around em....-Jose Quervo


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