Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Brazil leads US


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Nov 28, 2001
Brazil opens first biodiesel refinery

SAO PAULO (AFP) - Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva inaugurated the country's first refinery for biodiesel fuel, which keeps the country's status as one of the world's leaders in renewable fuels made from farm products.

"In the near future, petroleum will not be the reason for war, or for an oil-consuming country to invade an oil producer," Lula said as he opened the Soyminas plant in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais.

"We are showing the world that it is possible to create a fuel from renewable resources," he said.

The Soymina plant will produce up to 12 million liters (3.2 million gallons) per year of biodiesel fuel from oleaginous seeds like sunflower, soybean, and castor bean.

The biodiesel will be blended at a 2% ratio with gas oil, permitting its use in diesel vehicles without modification.

Brazil is one of the world's most advanced producers of alternative fuels made from farm crops. Gasoline sold around the country includes a 22% blend of ethanol produced from sugar cane.

On March 15, Neiva Aeronautic Industry, a subsidiary of aircraft manufacturer Embraer, launched the world's first production-series model aircraft that runs on ethanol. The plane -- a single engine, single seat EMB 202 Ipanema -- is widely used in agriculture.

Additionally, since 2003, the country has seen a big growth in "flex-fuel" automobiles with engines that can run equally well on gasoline and ethanol.
I think that the higher gas prices may end up being our salvation. We subsidize farmers to grow grain then send billions of bushels to other countries and pay to ship it. My deisel is now $2.39 a gallon and I always heard biodeisel was a $2.75 a gallon profit point. This country could run on biodeisel forever and the ragheads can pound sand. I am glad to see this and hope the technology creates a $2.00 a gallon product here soon.
I am thinking that there could be less restrictions on the grain production (i.e. subsidized not to growi it) and with our technology, resource potential, and just all about ability to over produce. It wouldn't take long to supply the needs of this country with the amounts of grains needed to produce the products to fuel this nation.

Just filled up yesterday and paid $2.58. I'd pay $2.75 gladdly if it meant that the POS's in the middle east got to choke on their own oil. With every hurdle comes an opportunity. Hydrogen fuel cell technology has come along way as well, and will keep moving forward as we learn more.
We've got a biodiesel plant not far from here...he's got some farmers using it already. I bet a quarter that the oil industry will find some way to squash biodiesel before it takes off. I'm not much for "the man" conspiracy theories, but I do have to scratch my head at the number of seemingly good oil-saving schemes that have failed over the years.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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