Bozeman: is it really that bad anymore?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 53219
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I guess this depends on your perspective. I’d argue the recent immigrants to MT have changed the politics but probably in a way you agree with. MT used to be a purple state that was relatively moderate and supported people with ideas they agreed with and didn‘t just vote party lines. I believe the people that have moved here over the last few years are largely conservative who left liberal states. MT is a solid red state now and it shows in the past couple elections. Voting in Maryland Matt, California Zinke, and New Jersey Greg would never have happened here 25 years ago. I’d be shocked if Tester wins again.
Good comment Bourbon.
This is why I get irritated when our county literally advertises to attract tourism. No don't attract people to come here. Leave it alone. The ones that find there way out here on their own, ok. But dagnabit quit inviting them. We don't want a bunch of city folks coming out here so the folks on the county board have more money to spend from sales tax revenue.

I feel for yall out in MT. Its sad to see such a good place lost to folks who should've stayed in California. What I don't get is if you want to move out to somewhere where there ain't much, don't move there then want a Starbucks and target. Move there and be happy with gas station coffee and a general store, or don't move there in the first place!
MT is a solid red state now and it shows in the past couple elections. Voting in Maryland Matt, California Zinke, and New Jersey Greg would never have happened here 25 years ago. I’d be shocked if Tester wins again.
Get some facts behind you. California Zinke?

Get some facts behind you. California Zinke?

Born and raised here but has spent most of his post-military life in CA. Was living there when we got the 2nd congressional seat. I doubt he gladhands in Santa Barbara in a jean jacket and work gloves.

I also forgot about our esteemed State Auditor Troy Downing.

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You may disagree with Zinke’s politics, his party, and voting record, but he’s a Montanan. He married a woman from California. He’s a republican. You don’t have to like it. Go back and read about his military service, then come back and talk some more shit.
Not questioning his military service. Just his commitment to Montanans instead of pandering to the next political appointment/election. I spent way too long in the military not to recognize someone willing to say any or use anyone to get what he wants. Never trust anyone with their face on a campaign bus.
I guess this depends on your perspective. I’d argue the recent immigrants to MT have changed the politics but probably in a way you agree with. MT used to be a purple state that was relatively moderate and supported people with ideas they agreed with and didn‘t just vote party lines. I believe the people that have moved here over the last few years are largely conservative who left liberal states. MT is a solid red state now and it shows in the past couple elections. Voting in Maryland Matt, California Zinke, and New Jersey Greg would never have happened here 25 years ago. I’d be shocked if Tester wins again.
I am from Bozeman and absolutely hope Tester gets his $&# handed to him💯‼️
Not questioning his military service. Just his commitment to Montanans instead of pandering to the next political appointment/election. I spent way too long in the military not to recognize someone willing to say any or use anyone to get what he wants. Never trust anyone with their face on a campaign bus.
This is s definition of a politician…..not a persons residence status. I agree with @Greenhorn….try a less controlling search engine than Google sometime… might be surprised what you learn!🤔😉
The problem with most, both Democrat and Republicans politicians is that they spend too much time in Washington and in time they represent Washington and K street interests. I would propose residency rules that would require politicians to return back and live and work in their districts for at least one election cycle before they are eligible to run for reelection.
You may disagree with Zinke’s politics, his party, and voting record, but he’s a Montanan. He married a woman from California. He’s a republican. You don’t have to like it. Go back and read about his military service, then come back and talk some more shit.
No doubt that Ryan Zinke is an authentic Montana raised, educated, and accomplished military veteran. However, by all accounts he is a political "climber", with mostly self-focused interests. Hopefully his interests will mostly coincide with what's best for Montana. We'll see.
When a freshman Congressman raised his hand and said "Pick ME!" as then candidate Donald Trump was considering a running mate, that spoke volumes about Zinke.
I seriously doubt that he sought the VP status as something for Montana.
This is s definition of a politician…..not a persons residence status. I agree with @Greenhorn….try a less controlling search engine than Google sometime… might be surprised what you learn!🤔😉
Would I learn something different than they claimed homestead exemption for their house in CA? Which is only allowed in your place of primary residence. My point is not to bag just on Republicans (although they seem to make it very easy). My point is the politicians mentioned above would have had no shot getting elected in MT 25 years ago. The same goes for any Democrat in a similar situation. We’ve become so focused on partisan politics and straight party voting that we encourage despicable behavior from our politicians and will never hold them accountable for such behavior, regardless of political party. To say we have a broken system is an understatement.
I had Covid recently. Laid up for a couple weeks so I binged Yellowstone. Only quote I remember was something like if you don’t like change buy someplace no one else wants to be. That’s what I did. Ain’t no one ever going to be clamoring to populate our neck of the state.
So do you not live in Helena?
. We’ve become so focused on partisan politics and straight party voting that we encourage despicable behavior from our politicians and will never hold them accountable for such behavior, regardless of political party. To say we have a broken system is an understatement.
Appreciate your quoted portion.
Amen... Yet, party line vote the garbage your party feeds, be it Blue or Red.
Bozeman? Not sure the relation to this thread. Meh, what does it matter... It's Montana related. :)

I liked our previous Martz, Schweitzer, Tester, Daines, Baucus mix mash. It was a quality check and balance. I vote from an Independent platform and disappointed Cooney didn't take it though would have preferred Fox overall.

As we say at work, on a frequent basis, "and this day too shall pass".
I think you're very misinformed and have been hearing a lot of sob stories that are likely 95% bullshit.

Have you ever had a long-term rental(s) next to or across from you that was purchased by a "slum-lord" type property management company, or better yet, a wealthy parent, for their kid in college and all their partying buddies and friends/vehicles? I can tell you that 100% of the STRs I'm familiar with are appreciated by their neighbors, far more so, than I have been with terrible long term renters that I've had near me a few times. Night and Day.

STRs are occupied by loud, destructive, partying vacationers? What evidence do you have of this? Do you know how VRBOs work (ratings)? They would not be successful over time serving a market like that - for either the renter or tenants. I've NEVER once seen that in 5 years of being involved with a rental and the neighbors. Also, I've never once behaved like that when staying in one.

STRs are being mass purchased by wealthy investors, to largely sit "empty". Only for "tourists" willing to pay through the nose? Sounds like you think options for visitors to Bozeman and elsewhere should only be a $150-$600/night for a bed, shower and a toilet?

Wealthy out-of-staters are "renting" houses and only stay in them part of the year, as a result of the rent going up, due to STRs? The "shortage" in homes and "long term rentals" is a result of STRs. How do you figure that? Got some data?

It sounds to me like you've been talking to folks that didn't work, save, invest, and buy a home, or at the right time, and now looking for something to blame. Whoa is me, I had to pack up and move to Helena. Boo effing hoo.

The only STRs I'm familiar with are owned and maintained by working class locals, who worked, saved and bought a home at the right time. They don't want to rent them long term as they often have to be gutted after tenants move out, there's less control over the condition and upkeep by the owner as they might move back into it someday. There is more income potential, but it takes way more work.

You really think you should "regulate" who gets to purchase a home?

FYI, STRs are "regulated" in Bozeman, licensed, taxed, and only allowed in limited zoning, unless they were "grandfathered" in 3-4 years ago.
This is from a while ago........but based on my experience the original poster was spot on with his assessment of VRBO, etc based on my experience. I lived next to a VRBO on a lake (I rented a place next door). It was a constant influx of people and the owners did a poor job of checking who was renting. Fourth of July was a shit show over there. The people renting had no respect for the natural resources and lake, often jet skiing close to shore causing massive wakes that eroded the shoreline. The owners cut down all kinds of oak trees along the shoreline to enhance the view. All the VRBO, ect in my area are owned by people from the Twin Cities, many of whom own multiple rentals.

Northern Wisconsin sucks by the way, the mosquitoes are terrible, don't mention the black flies. All the ticks have lyme disesase. Wolves kill everything. People should just keep moving to Montana