Frequently Banned Troll
Well-known member
The Buffalo Station opened as a strip club in the spring of maybe 2003 or 2004. It wasn’t planned but I ended up there after an evening of bear hunting in the canyon with friends on the very first night. Packed to get in and long line but it only took 2 beers to realize the only 2 strippers were the worst talent on earth. Within an hour the place was all but empty and my friends, both longtime houndsmen, were comparing the nipples on one their old female hounds, Sassie, to those on one of thr naked dancers. I was only back once after that for a bachelor party. And my standards for cheap entertainment are VERY low.I tried to go to a dive bar in September, but we couldn’t get in because this particular one has a bit of a western look to it, and with Yellowstone that’s the in thing. The plump lips, fake tits, and Gucci bags were lined up on the sidewalk waiting for others toeave so they could squeeze in the door.
We just ended up going and having dinner at the old Buffalo jump. Amazing to see what can be done with the right amount of disinfectant and elbow grease to turn that place from dive strip club to a decent place to eat.