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Bozeman Grizzly Bear meeting

Facts do not matter. Talking biology and science to these people is pointless. You might as well tape your mouth shut and mumble in Mandarin.
Emotion and feels rule modern America.
And where emotion and feels don't rule, the almighty dollar does and these folks have lots of coffers to fill, refer to the 'Donate Now' button.
This was the first one of these I went to. It appeared to be a big happy gathering for all the enviro folks, while the few folks that looked like sportsman kind of looked they'd rather be anywhere else. The enviro/antis are way more organized and numerous than I naively believed - kind of scary.
Disturbing that several commenters proclaimed they were big game hunters & were strongly against delisting. Divide & conquer...
I love reading the comments section that is filled with people from Nevada, New York, Minnesota, etc. who have zero experience living in an area where these bears actually live. Not that I'm living in the woods with a handful of grizzlies sleeping next to me, but at least I'm in the area and hunt, hike, and fish where they do live; and have had plenty of encounters.
If someone wants to have an opinion that is different than mine where they are opposed to it, that's their right, but I think it would be a little more credible, in my opinion, if they actually lived in an area near where these bears do. Same thing with wolves. I can at least respect someone with a different opinion if there opinion comes from experience. Reading these comments shows how little these people know. I can't imagine what that meeting was like, but I can guess it would take me about 2 minutes to be embarrassed for the people opposing this based on their ignorance.
Question: This is just for delisting of the Yellowstone area bears. What about bears in the rest of the Montana?
Question: This is just for delisting of the Yellowstone area bears. What about bears in the rest of the Montana?

This ruling has no impact on other bears. Each are a DPS, Distinct Population Segment. Only the Yellowstone DPS and the Northern Continental Divide DPS area at levels where delisting can even be part of a discussion. The NCD population will be next for a delisting discussion.

This video gives some good overview, even though it is made for teaching high school conservation class.

So why do libtards get soooo excited about wolves and grizzlies but don't care about the bison? Bison were actually a huge part of the frontier and Indian cultures.
So why do libtards get soooo excited about wolves and grizzlies but don't care about the bison? Bison were actually a huge part of the frontier and Indian cultures.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a guy who calls people libtards is oblivious to the Yellowstone bison mania that's been going on for more than 30 years.

Thanks for the link Fin.
Well, that went about like I expected. Most giving opposition would fall into three different categories; 1) Have never read the plan or they would have realized how foolish their comments sounded to anyone who has read the plan (most of them), 2) Read the plan, but suffer serious reading comprehension issues, or 3) Read the plan and don't like what it says, so they disregard all of it and spend time questioning the credibility and intelligence of the world's most highly trained grizzly bear scientists.

Some of you work for agencies and have to deal with this kind of stuff in your daily work life. Whatever you get paid, it is not enough to have days like this.

Kudos to Randy for representing a sane voice at this meeting.

We need to come to terms that many really enviro enabled people unite based on feelings and phony info. PETA, Center for Bio Diversity etc etc are all vested in two things: charismatic mammals and funding. It is hard to fund a fringe group if there is no bogey man and no helpless mega fauna to protect. It's always a double edge sword, but just like we blame partisans for stealing land access we must blame loonies for breaking the ESA deal that was made.

Randy please correct me if I am wrong here but the problem with the ESA is that it has become a business. Recovery in the biological sense is not considered by the the folks at the meeting in Bozeman. It is hard to receive donations with no perceived threat.

Also let's remember Grizz were delisted by Federal Agencies in 2007 only to be sued by The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Basically the formost Grizz bios in the world have considered them recovered...... For 9 years!!!
Randy please correct me if I am wrong here but the problem with the ESA is that it has become a business. Recovery in the biological sense is not considered by the the folks at the meeting in Bozeman. It is hard to receive donations with no perceived threat.

Also let's remember Grizz were delisted by Federal Agencies in 2007 only to be sued by The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Basically the formost Grizz bios in the world have considered them recovered...... For 9 years!!!

You are correct. These bears are recovered. The Conservation Strategy has every possible safety net you could reasonably expect. But, few of those folks have read the strategy.

I can assure that if hunting was not part of the possible state management plans, they would still be yelling and screaming. Hunting just is a more visceral claim to yell about.

Reality is, we are seeing a continued push from state-based wildlife management that has brought us to this point of wildlife recovery and has always been a tenet of conservation, to be replaced with the federal oversight model that is most often associated as the preferred manner of control for those subscribing to the modern environmentalism ideology.

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