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Bozeman Crowd Please Avoid Map Brewery

  • Thread starter Deleted member 28227
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Deleted member 28227

Map brewery is a new local brewery over by Glen Lake Park, pretty good beer, cool new building, huge disappointment. All this weekend they have had posters and a table set up with someone heckling patrons to sign a petition to ban trapping on public lands in Montana. As soon as I walked into the door this woman thrust a flyer into my hand decrying the terrible acts committed by trappers and honestly was full of propaganda. The flyers were extremely misleading about how snares and body gripping traps worked, stated that trappers didn't report their harvest (sent in my report 2 weeks ago), that if a trapper caught and killed an endangered species by mistake they didn't have to report it, and had a whole bit about how you can place snares right on on high use trails. Basically a huge load of bull that is completely inaccurate.

As I sat at the bar with my wife I got super fired up thinking about Big Fin's and Steven Rinella's podcasts about referendum ballots attacking specific means of take as a way of shutting down hunting in general. Definitely a huge point of concern given the success rates of hunters versus trappers in Montana for wolves.

Map brewery seems like it would be pro sportsmen and public land hunters given the taxidermy hanging on the wall and the sitka shirts they raffle off, but it seems to me they are a bunch of monied uppies who moved to Montana, opened a bar, and don't give really give a crap about the community or it's values. I'm all for a deliberative dialogue about hunting ethics but throwing around pamphlets with such blatant lies is just too far. This business has lost my patronage forever and hopefully it's lost yours as well.
You don't mention talking to the owners and their responses to questions. Did you not talk to the owners and ask them what the deal was? If you have not, I suggest you do before making a snap judgement asking people to boycott them.
I love a good brewery but this doesn't sound like one I want to step foot in regardless of what the owners say.
Bet the anti trappers didn't set up without prior approval. mtmuley
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I asked but the bar tender and she said they weren't around. Honestly given the fact that there were fliers all around the bar, several signs, and an attended booth with greeters I would be astonished if the owners didn't agree with the views expoused by those soliciting signatures.
You don't mention talking to the owners and their responses to questions. Did you not talk to the owners and ask them what the deal was? If you have not, I suggest you do before making a snap judgement asking people to boycott them.

This doesn't even deserve a response - because if I did, I'd get the boot.
Disappointing! I thought that place appeared very cool, but too much neuvo Bozeangeles. There are many newer Montanans in the Gallatin Valley who are really great folks and moved here to embrace the traditions of this area. Unfortunately, there are too many who moved here because they say they love it here ... but they want to instill the attitudes and values from wherever they came. You often would like to say, "You ain't from around here, are you?"
This doesn't even deserve a response - because if I did, I'd get the boot.

What? You think I'm wrong call me out? People do this crap all the time on forums before they ask questions and are informed. All I did was ask to make sure they talked to someone before asking people to boycott something. Not wrong IMO....

It's possible if you talk to them and educate them they might change their not, issues.
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What? You think I'm wrong call me out? People do this crap all the time on forums before they ask questions and are informed. All I did was ask to make sure they talked to someone before asking people to boycott something. Not wrong IMO....

MN Public Hunter you are probably right I should have tried much harder to contact the owner, this crap just got my dander up.
MN Public Hunter you are probably right I should have tried much harder to contact the owner, this crap just got my dander up.

Nah, per you asking and your reply it's cool...You asked at least. You're probably right in the fact they even allowed this to be in the brewery, but sometimes people say one thing to the owner about what they are promoting and then do something totally different. Worth checking out I guess IMO.

As for Cowboy, not sure what the issue is...all I did was ask if you tried to get more context, but got his panties in a bunch :) LOL
most of these people are paid hacks to go around and gather signatures. There's not enough Montana folks to get the signatures.

They were in Missoula at an Easter egg hunt doing the same thing.
most of these people are paid hacks to go around and gather signatures. There's not enough Montana folks to get the signatures.

They were in Missoula at an Easter egg hunt doing the same thing.

Don't diminish the pain all Easter bunnies go through when little kids steal their eggs. Entire generations of Easter bunnies have been purged from the face of the earth by greedy little kids. I can't even bear to think of the maiming and torture those little kids inflict on the chocolate bunnies. They always start with the ears and eat down to the eyeballs without even putting them out of their misery.
We just had our NWTF banquet in Bozeman a couple weeks ago and have a great relationship with all of the breweries and distilleries in town. They all gave us great donations, except Map, they didn't give us anything, even after mentioning what we received from all other breweries.
I'm one of those monied yuppie californians that moved to Bozeman. But only the californian part is right, so we let people make their assumptions..

I'm going to give you advice about this topic, because I know a lot about it, being an evil californian.

#1 - Don't hate the players, hate the game.

#2 - Get ahold of your initiative process NOW. (see rule #1)

Call and write you lawmakers, the next time the state leg meets, there needs to be a law passed saying wildlife management laws can't be made by the initiative process.

Boycotting a brewery ain't going to end this shit.
I noticed that the region three backcountry hunters and anglers of Montana are going to have a meeting at this brewery. So I linked to this thread on their Facebook page.

It was then implied that I was far too credulous to believe anonymous sources. So I called the brewery and verified. Wllm1313's story is true.

One could say that allowing an organization to collect signatures for a ballot initiative in your business does not equate to an endorsement of that ballot initiative. I don't think that's particularly true.
After discussion on Facebook, I was told that allowing this gal to collect signatures was a mistake by MAP Brewing. MAP Brewing is supporting BHA, and I am told that MAP Brewing supports hunting, fishing, and trapping.
After discussion on Facebook, I was told that allowing this gal to collect signatures was a mistake by MAP Brewing. MAP Brewing is supporting BHA, and I am told that MAP Brewing supports hunting, fishing, and trapping.

Nameless Range thanks for the pursuing this, did you ever get a chance to talk to the owner? I was never able to get a hold of him or her and I really wanted to hear straight from them what happened.
I talked to a fellow who worked there. I do not know if it was the owner. I asked him if it was true,he said yes, I said thanks, and hung up. Someone on Facebook also called and conversed with him, which I should have done, and filled me in. It sounds like I was wrong to jump the gun with my earlier post.
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Cowboy....That's pretty ignorant. If you've got an issue, then don't be a pu$$y and say what you gotta say. It makes sense to talk to the owner and ask them WTF if they are supposed to be pro hunting and outdoors.
Glad the owner has gotten some negative attention for this, I'm going to make of point of going in there in the next couple of weeks and getting a full explanation. If it was simply a big mistake on their part I will let it go.

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