Caribou Gear Tarp

Boycott Dick's Sporting goods

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I have no problem with their decision to stop selling ARs. But their decision to stop selling ANY firearm to folks between 18 and 21 yrs old, THAT I have a lot of fault with.

Why? It’s thier business and they can do as they choose. It’s not like there isn’t a bunch of other places a 18 year old can go and get one and hell its probably get it cheaper than full retail.
Unless individual states have laws stating age is discrimination or they change their laws I do not see anything happening. The only age discrimination law I have encounter is for hiring employees you cannot discriminate based on age if they are over 40, they are then a protected class.
Since the SCOTUS endorsed Citizens United, the pressure is greater than ever to vote w your wallet, meaning don't do business w entities you disagree with politically or otherwise. So, UT businesses get 0 of my $ (PLT and ATV access issues), and I am learning who to avoid based on their support of NRA. There was a boycott against CO for implementing gun laws our voters chose a few years ago, couple businesses moved out, many more moved in, NR hunter # are still through the roof. So boycott any damn thing you want.
Send an American to war. Better training than most but God forbid we permit them to drink alcohol or permit them the ability to purchase a firearm before 21... What horse - manure...
And a boycott will do about as much good as the decision not to sell guns. mtmuley
It won't lessen the numbers of guns, but it (and Delta, etc) does send a message to the NRA and Congress that folks in the sporting industry, etc think something should be done and they won't be bullied by the NRA. I can guarantee a lot of lawmakers don't support these weapons, but don't want to deal with the fallout from saying anything negative.
Around the late 70's early 80's I realized the America I grew up in was dead.

Earlier in the 60's, as a boy I walked down the street, 22 over my shoulder, brick of ammo and bag of cans. The police waved when they drove by.

I grew up where schools taught the constitution and what it meant. Today they teach Heather has two mommies..... The founders knew an educated population was the only defense to our republic. Liberals knew to win, they had to dumb the people down. My how effective they have become.

Then came a period where we gave up real rights. Gave them up without a fight. I was infuriated with the average Joes' ignorance . As I am today. Especially when the public used rights (which they didn't possess ) as an excuse to strip rights that did exist.

I leave you guys to worry about your "hunting rights." And to commend each other for being reasonable gun owners. Applaud Dick's, buy their stocks.
I leave you to further divide yourselves, until incrementelism works against you.
And I wish you all live long enough to have the gvt you deserve, and pray I don't.

Peace out

Oh look another "good ol' days' post. :rolleyes:

Dick's Sporting Goods sucks. My guess is this is a stunt to boost an already declining bottom line. Walking into one is depressing. I mean how little do you have to pay your employees to hate life that much?
In this country you have a right to choose what gets sold at your private business, and we have a right as consumers to purchase or not. Support with dollars or sont. The business either changes based on demand or loses out and falls apart. This is a good's free.
It's the free market at work. They have the right to guide their business, you have the right not to shop there. Pretty simple. Being that Hunting equipment to include all gun sales only makes up 9% of their total buisness, I doubt they'll care if a couple percent of that leave. The other 97% will keep them afloat.
I haven't bought any hunting nor fishing stuff from Dicks, so I guess I have been boycotting them my whole life.:eek:
Around the late 70's early 80's I realized the America I grew up in was dead.

Earlier in the 60's, as a boy I walked down the street, 22 over my shoulder, brick of ammo and bag of cans. The police waved when they drove by.

I grew up where schools taught the constitution and what it meant. Today they teach Heather has two mommies..... The founders knew an educated population was the only defense to our republic. Liberals knew to win, they had to dumb the people down. My how effective they have become.

Then came a period where we gave up real rights. Gave them up without a fight. I was infuriated with the average Joes' ignorance . As I am today. Especially when the public used rights (which they didn't possess ) as an excuse to strip rights that did exist.

I leave you guys to worry about your "hunting rights." And to commend each other for being reasonable gun owners. Applaud Dick's, buy their stocks.
I leave you to further divide yourselves, until incrementelism works against you.
And I wish you all live long enough to have the gvt you deserve, and pray I don't.

Peace out

Original comment REDACTED as my opinion is clearly shared by other folks who already addressed it
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I miss the good old days when my dad would tell me to go get him a carton of cigarettes. I would drive a couple of miles to the store and park across the street on the gravel because driving on the pavement was frowned upon. I would then walk to the store and buy a carton of Pall mall unfiltered, for $4.40 at 10 years old. Of course there was a down side because he was going to smoke them in the truck with the windows up. Funny thing is that I don't remember any ARS. Maybe because there weren't any.
Good for Dick's. I bet that will help their business a bit.

Whenever there is a shooting, I always wonder if the victims' loved ones that are big time pro-gun change their view at all. Like if a hardcore NRA dude has his son or daughter get killed by someone with an AR, does his view change? Or is he still just happy to have his own AR?

If you watch Trumps "town hall type meeting" after the Fla shootings, you'd have your answer.
Since a 20 yr old can legally buy a firearm in most states, I would think it would be illegal to discriminate against some with respect to their age as a private corporation. At the very least, i would expect someone to challenge this on the basis of "agism" as it is now called.

Personally, I've never bought anything at Dick's. it ain't my kind of place

You see the gvt can give a 17 year old an m16 and send him to war but they can't own an ar or buy a beer.
While I might agree with him it is a little harsh for our resident Texas Thesaurus...hope all is well Ken
I agreed with him too. Maybe he just heard that Captain Bone Spurs thinks he is going to ban bump stocks via executive order. As you well know, banning gun accessories is exactly what our founding fathers had in mind when they defined the executive's powers.
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