bowhunting in the rain, do you ?


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2007
Gaithersburg Md
I will but there are a few things that need to be in order 1st

1st, good boots and good tree umbrella is planning on a long sit.
2nd a good neck warmer if hunting cold weather.
3rd, hunting an area that you know well.

I stay far enough away from thickets so the deer will be down before reaching them. Most of my hunts are on the edge of fields and open hard woods on rain days.
ABSOLUTELY NO cotton clothing, when it gets wet, you will be colder than if you're naked...

Wool is still king...

Air activated hand warmers placed in your back pockets and front top pockets closest to your body without touching skin are a major plus to help from getting chilled...

Most deaths from hypothermia take place in an ambient temperature of around 45-50 degrees

Eat and drink something once in awhile, your body temperature will rise as it processes food and water...

And a mind over matter attitude

"If you don't mind, it don't matter... "
I like when the ground is know pine needles, grass, leaves, etc. are nice and soft. It makes for good stealthly stalking. I've walked up to a black bear and several times bobcats when the ground was quiet.