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Bow Tech


New member
Dec 23, 2000
What do yall think of Bow Tech bows ?
Anybody got one (Willyqbc), or have you ever shot one ?
They sound great, but the nearest Bow Tech shop is about 100 miles from me.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-10-2003 17:35: Message edited by: Anaconda ]</font>
Anaconda, I have shot the Patriot Dually, the Black Knight Dually, and the Extreme VFT. I've never been a big fan of dually's so take that into acoount when I say I would gladly give up the little speed difference between the 2 dually's mentioned for that sweet shooting VFT!! The draw is silky smooth, and when you release there is virtually no "shock" in the riser, and I was shooting it bare with no stabilizer. That thing is a dream to shoot. Its rated at 333 ft/sec... all rigged out my friend's is pushing 318ft/sec at approx 5.5grns/pound. Also they all come stock with Winners Choice strings. My next bow will definately be the VFT.
Hope this helps!
Anaconda, I will give you something to chew on. I live about 120 miles from where Bowtechs are made. I don't know what the prices are for any of their models. I'm a died in the wool Mathews kinda I shoot a MQ1 and love it. My next bow? yep another Mathews, hopefully a LX. One thing that makes me wonder about the Bowtech bows, go to any 3-D shoot around here and you will not see many if any of them. Makes me wonder about price difference. I know one that you will see alot of and that is a Mathews. Most of the folks including me, in our region of the country that shoot 3-D do it for hunting. I'm not putting down the Bowtech because I haven't seen enough of them to judge. I will say this, I don't think a bad bow manufactuer will stay in business long, most bows out there today are some of the best bows ever made and will last years with some care.

Stay calm and pick a spot.
They make good bows. I've shot the pro 38 and found it good but I went with Darton instead.

There are lots of great bows out there. Shoot before you buy it from a good shop that will back it up. Its tough to go wrong now a days.

Its kind of like rifle shopping.

Remington, Ruger, Winchester, Weatherby, Tikka, Sako, Savage will shoot MOA with a little tinkering. All will kill big game with equal effectiveness. In the end it comes down to the shooter.
I gess my real problem is that there are only two "local" pro shops where I guy can shoot a bow before he buys. One is mainly a "Martin" shop, and the other carrys Hoyt & Mathews.
For now, I'm going to up-grade my old Browning wheel bow with some new goodies,
Spot hogg site, GKF "shootout" rest, A release and some carbon arrows & limb savers.
All of it should switch over to a new bow if I decide to get one.
I sure like the looks of that Bow Tech Blackhawk, but a two hour drive to the shop is makeing me think Hoyt.
I hunt with a Mighty Mite and love it. The reason you don't see too many at shoots is basically a geography thing I think. Some places (nearer a Bowtech dealer for instance) half the shooters have them with reolatively few Matthews...others mostly Hoyt and so on and so on.

From an objective point I can hinestly say I like mine a lot and wouldn't take my money back for it...they are a little harsh on the draw cycle, but faster than most so it's really preference.
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