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Trouble finding replacement bowstrings and cables for my 06' PSE Fire Flite 33 LH compound bow.


Active member
Mar 29, 2019
I have a PSE Fire Flite 33 Left handed compound bow set at 60# even though it can go to 70# that I have had since I got a deal on it while working at Cabela's back in 06', I have yet to take an animal with it, but shoot it at targets every year and for walks and sits in the woods when I can. I don't know the arrow count that I have put through it, but I have NEVER replaced the bow strings and cables in the 14 years that I have had it. Long time rookie mistake. I have waxed them from time to time and even recently, but the strings and cables are definitely fuzzy and I think that is effecting my shot groupings. Sometimes I can get a decent kill zone size group at 20, 30 and maybe 40 and other times it is all over the place like it has recently. I know that target panic can be an issue, but I want to make sure that this bow is ready for this season it is the ETHICAL thing to do to make sure that my equipment no matter how old is in top condition that it can be. Well now to my question part. I am having trouble finding replacement bow strings and cables for my bow since it is 14 years old. Cabela's doesn't carry them, Sportsman's Warehouse, Amazon doesn't have them, I can't find them on EBay, Lancaster Archery doesn't have them that I can tell. I have gone onto 60x as suggested by a tech at Cabela's that I use to work with, but I was hoping to not spend $90 (but if I have to I will) and not exactly sure how that process works and their Live Chat feature doesn't work well. They have a BCY Custom Option and there is a closeout on 2003 or older cables that has the Fire Flite option, but it doesn't say 33 so I am thinking that is the predecessor to my bow. Anyone have advice on finding bowstrings and cables for older bows like I have? The limb sticker says 37.50 which I think is cable length and 91.50 which I think is string length.
I don't have access to a true archery pro shop close by. I would like to get it set up for this year at least, might buy a new bow after season if I can find the right deal on a Left handed bow that I like and keep this one as a backup. Thanks for any advice or help I can get. Yes I know I am squeezing it tight to archery season, but where I live whitetail archery doesn't start until Sept. 29th in WV.
Have you tried looking through tune.pse-archery.com for your bow? Should have the specs there.
I just tried that as suggested and went from 2000-2010 and couldn't find either the Fire Flite or Fire Flite 33 on it. The closest in name at least was Firestorm Lite, but that is a dual cam not a solo cam. I know that I bought it from the Bargain Cave since it was a demo model when I started there in 06, so it should be an early 2000s model bow, but it wasn't listed on their site for some reason. Pretty interesting page to visit though thanks.
Have a picture of the graphics on the front of the limbs? Just wonder if it's a Primos version or something that would show as a different listing.
That's a tough one then, it's even wrapped in a Cabela's camo pattern. May just send an email to PSE and see if it gets you anywhere. Looks like 91.50 on the string length on that sticker, hate how that rubs off on most bows.
That's a tough one then, it's even wrapped in a Cabela's camo pattern. May just send an email to PSE and see if it gets you anywhere. Looks like 91.50 on the string length on that sticker, hate how that rubs off on most bows.
Probably a Cabela's Exclusive bow from PSE at that time. We have some camo clothing that we wear in that Seclusion 3D pattern. Yeah from looking at the other number 37.50 the number after the 91.5 has the beginnings of a diagonal slash like the 0 in the first number. I checked out other bows in 2006 using that Tune chart and the single cam bows that I looked at had a string length around 90 and buss cable length in that mid 30s. Thanks for your help figuring that part out.
Reach out to Mike at Catfish Custom Bowstrings. He will be able to help you out as far as replacement strings go. Very responsive and also knowledgeable. He is on archery talk, has a webpage and facebook.
I build my own strings and cables. Any place that makes strings should be able to help you out. Always change your cables when you replace your string.
Any shop should be able to get them, there's also LOTS of string makers, should run about $100ish.

If you don't have a shop nearby, do you have the equipment, AND KNOWLEDGE to swap out the string (and cables as suggested). You will have to re-tune the bow, place the peep/kisser and nock point, then sight in again. If you know what you're doing, it's about 30 minutes on a bow press to get it all done.
I was able to purchase a custom three color bow string (black, green and tan) and I had it installed by Cabelas right before season last year. Thank you all for your insight.
Call PSE, go to a maker, multiple options. I’d advise changing all. One thing you said strikes me, you think your fuzzy strings are effecting shots and it may but if it does it’s because I bet timing is off. Once you get new stuff installed, mark the wheels where the cables sit so you know if bow come out of specs/tune. At that point if you have no press you’ll need to bring it into a pro shop to be brought back in. You also need to use someone that’ll get your bow back in tune and understands how that works. Most string makers, bow shops do. Big box stores like Cabelas aren’t pro shops. You wonder why the guy can’t help you? Try a smaller archery only Pro Shop.
Here’s the next part, 90 bucks prob won’t cut it. You’ll be spending more most likely if you do it right. Be advised
Most pro shops now have steady customers that have gear needs worked, they’ll be getting busy I’d think and steady customers are gonna be priority, you’d be best trying to find one ASAP I’d think. It is awful close to season imo.
Do you think you have target panic?
My first thought was "this is exactly the WORST time to need a bowshop to do anything" they are most likely SLAMMED and will stay that way through early fall. I used to work in one as a tech, and late summer through fall was crazy. Even had people bringing in bows the day before the season expecting us to tune it, pull/lube axles etc. We told them "weeks, see that rack full of bows, they are all before you"
Caribou Gear

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