
BOW or Rifle ?!?!

Jack, Jack, Jack...Nevermind, I will let someone else pour it to you.

And a Bull hit 87 times with my Daisy Red-Ryder with the built-in compass in the Stock will have a bigger wound channel and more damage to the hair than a bull shot with a .338Win.

Do the math....
I don't use the Daisy Partitions anymore. I have switched to the Crossman X-BB's, as I find they seem to group better.

If you are trying to put 87 quick shots into a Bull Elk, you want a good grouping piece of Copper.

I load them over 62.8 grams of compressed CO2, and they seem to knock the big bulls down. I am even thinking of taking the setup on my Hog Hunt next spring. What are you planning on taking during next year's Hog Hunt?
I'll be hunting my bull with my .340 wby. But for my late season cow I just might take my .54 cal muzz..You guys crack me up with the .270,.308 and .06 defending. Everyone knows you can't kill a bull with them
I might have to check into the daisy BB gun though. Whats the velocity on that bad boy? What scope do you put on that? a 6-24? Good luck to all this year.
Come on guys, you have to know that the only thing that will kill a bull is a sharp broadhead.

The only choice for me is which bow I pack; the compound or the longbow.

Hell, I can't even remember where the keys to the gun cabinet are anymore. It's been that long since I've been into it. The real reason I don't get into the gun cabinet any more is probably because the nicest guns are the wife's.
BULLHOUND... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hell, I can't even remember where the keys to the gun cabinet are anymore. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

How many times in the last 10 years did you go to the Meat Freezer using just a bow

Elkgunner, I was thinking of using the "REMINGTON AIRMASTER 77" instead of the Daisy. Although Highly recomended by Airgunshops around the World and Roy Rogers, I'll stick with the Remington. Weighing in at 6.5 pounds and a Price of $68.75 One doesn't need to take out a life loan to buy it. there is After Market Silencers to put on not to Cause such a noise too.

Were did you get your Reloader ?
Please get it straight: my binoculars are Bushnell $29.95 at Country General.

I know old timers who elk hunted all their lives with open sights and no binoculars. But this info is so politically incorrect with some that they just nay say the whole shebang. Too bad, you might learn something.
Actually Jack is absolutely correct... My pops kills freezer filling elk every year with an 45.70, iron sights. And I dont think he would know how to focus a pair of binocs if he was looking at the neighbor's wife in the shower.

Bow for elk as normal...

I will be hunting with my son this year for the second time. He is getting a 270 with a Leapold varX I - 3 X 9 scope for his birthday July 3rd.

Been kind of fun with him dropping hits. Of course we do not pay any attention to his hints.

You guys are ridiculas. Like a red ryder bb gun can kill an elk. You know that you need at least a daisy power line 177 cal pellet gun with 10 pumps on it to bring down an elk.
I will be forced to use a bow again this year since i struck out on tags in MT CO UT so far. I applied only for bow in NM and a LOOOOOOOOONG shot chance at a Muzz tag in Az, so i am pretty sure i will be using a bow......
This year I am going to get medival on there asses. For real!!!!!! I plan on blugeling them in then Jousting them with a big sharp pole from horse back. I will have to dress my horse up like another bull elk to get them to charge me, but I believe it will be a hell of a rush, and the ultimate in fair chase.