Bow hunter fatally shot in San Juan National Forest

i was gonna say.. if they would actually let NR hunt elk in washington and oregon maybe we'd talk about it more
I've been looking at this for the last 10 minutes and it's pretty interesting. One thing that jumped out is that Oregon and Montana have very similar numbers of hunters and elk, but Montana harvests roughly twice the number of elk...

Otc harvest for Roosevelt elk is pretty terrible. I think it's dipped down below 4% in the south cascades.
People are accidentally shot by all forms of hunting weapons, of course firearms will have more incidents of negligence. People are fallable, we all make mistakes, some are grave and hard to comprehend, but they're always going to unfortunately occur.
That may be but the person committing the mistake needs to be held completely responsible. If you are going to shoot a weapon, be certain what your shooting at!
Geez, terrible indeed. I wonder if archers will start wearing orange. I'll be getting an orange jumpsuit for rifle season...
I don't believe anyone should be required to wear orange. Hunters should be required to properly identify their target. many years ago, in Idaho a hunter shot a kid getting off a school bus. Claimed he thought it was a deer. So how much color is required to make positive identification? Oh wait, people wear orange and deer wear lots of yellow!
I read about a guy's wife years ago that shot a rancher's cow. Said she thought it was legal because she had a cow tag!
Sad, but I can believe that. A guy here shot a cow elk one time and paraded it thru town and even took it to his kid’s school. He was very proud of the “big doe” he’d shot. Idiot thought it was a whitetail! Fish and Wildlife took his gun and he was fined. You can’t make up this kind of stuff.
Sad, but I can believe that. A guy here shot a cow elk one time and paraded it thru town and even took it to his kid’s school. He was very proud of the “big doe” he’d shot. Idiot thought it was a whitetail! Fish and Wildlife took his gun and he was fined. You can’t make up this kind of stuff.
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Dude shot an elk he thought was a deer.
Montana - hold my beer.
The right to hunt and keep and bare arms comes with responsibilities! Shooting anything other than what you think you were shooting at is BS!
Maybe most, but definitely not all. Not by a long shot. And orange doesn't matter even at 30 ft.

But really orange or no orange, or maybe camo-orange, one shouldn't be shooting at nonelk. Demonstrably, the guy in question did.

This is the beginning and end of the whole discussion. Hunters are expected to make a lot fine distinctions between species, sex, size, of all manner of animals, e.g. lynx/bobcat, hen/rooster, muley/whitetail, all manner of ducks, bull/cow, etc, etc.

That fact that this person was not wearing orange is completely besides the point.
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We cannot remove the fact that when there are millions of hunters in the field, at some point in time, one of them is going to make a bad decision. Blaze orange has proven to reduce accidents, so if you want to be seen by other hunters, wear some orange. In most states it is the law under most firearm situations, but not all! If it isn't the law and you feel safe not wearing orange, that is your choice but be aware, the risk goes up. Everyone has their own risk tolerance and list of pros/cons for wearing orange.
We cannot remove the fact that when there are millions of hunters in the field, at some point in time, one of them is going to make a bad decision. Blaze orange has proven to reduce accidents, so if you want to be seen by other hunters, wear some orange. In most states it is the law under most firearm situations, but not all! If it isn't the law and you feel safe not wearing orange, that is your choice but be aware, the risk goes up. Everyone has their own risk tolerance and list of pros/cons for wearing orange.
Shooting a person regardless of what color they are wearing is not an accident. That term has no business in this discussion. I would suggest the dude from PA get himself some soap on a rope.
Sad and senseless. How in the world do you ever confuse a human being for an elk or any other game for that matter. No optics on muzzleloaders in Colorado, correct?
Because some people miraculously pass a HE course and then shoot at anything moving. Like HO or not, if I'm in the woods during muzzy season I've got a big patch of it on my pack. Too many people like this. Wasn't there like 3 people in CO this season? Two archers and a muzzy that took off his HO?
We cannot remove the fact that when there are millions of hunters in the field, at some point in time, one of them is going to make a bad decision. Blaze orange has proven to reduce accidents, so if you want to be seen by other hunters, wear some orange. In most states it is the law under most firearm situations, but not all! If it isn't the law and you feel safe not wearing orange, that is your choice but be aware, the risk goes up. Everyone has their own risk tolerance and list of pros/cons for wearing orange.
What blew me away was that CO requires the muzzy hunters to wear it but not the archers in the woods at the same time. Looks like they tried to pass a requirement for it and it was shot down. No pun intended.
You must be one hell of a caller.
Id like to see a video of that, calling in a person. Anybody can make a hunting video calling in wildlife, it would be the funniest thing ever to call in another hunter and have it recorded. 🤣
That would be as good as Bill Dance bloopers.
We called in a group of 4 this year in CO. :)
I told my son he's going to have to get better because we want elk, not hunters. LOL
Sad and senseless. How in the world do you ever confuse a human being for an elk or any other game for that matter. No optics on muzzleloaders in Colorado, correct?
Correct. Because some people don't identify their target first. They just shoot. You know how it is here in the midwest during the gun seasons for whitetails. Sounds like a warzone in some areas and you KNOW they aren't all shooting at deer.
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