Boulder River Access Petitioned


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2013
Bozeman, MT
I couldnt find the post by the Hunt Talker who spoke about his fishing trip in this area, with signage issues and outfitting landowners that are threatening and trying to keep other anglers out of their "territory" to post this article to.

Residents, anglers seek to restrict Boulder River access

Adam Wagner, the author of the petition, is himself a commercial guide as owner of Sweetcast Angler in Big Timber. He said Wednesday that he doesn't doubt the FWP analysis of the fishery. To him, the bigger problem is the potential for conflict between floaters and wading fishermen in the late season when the water levels fall.

Rafts float or are dragged through narrow channels where other fishermen are already working the water, scaring the fish and ruining the anglers' experience, he said.

"It's really an etiquette thing as much as anything," Wagner said.

The FWP analysis said most of the issues on the river have involved private landowners "who have had relatively exclusive use of the river." Instead of imposing restrictions, FWP officials recommended those involved, including commercial outfitters, work out a solution on their own.
Waahhh!!!! Somebody spooked my fish. If it's an etiquette thing, shouldn't Emily Post be involved instead of FWP?
Waahhh!!!! Somebody spooked my fish. If it's an etiquette thing, shouldn't Emily Post be involved instead of FWP?

Pretty much sums it up for me...maybe they should suggest shutting down outfitting and non-resident fishing on certain days of the week like they do here in SW MT and see how quickly they stifle their whining
Poor Mr. Wagoner. People enjoying Montana are ruining his land locked private fishing hole.
The struggle is real...
FWP manages recreation on the rivers. See the Smith, Beaverhead & Big Hole for examples.

Dude was just following procedure to try and get a rule change. No harm in that. The Commission reviewed, investigated and decided that it wasn't worth doing. The process worked.

The guy was seeking to limit COMMERCIAL outfitting, which would impact his business as well as others in favor of a better quality experience, and the rule would benefit DIY sportsmen over outfitters. There is no way to conclude that he would be the exclusive outfitter allowed to run that portion of the river. In fact, it could easily limit the number of client days he would be allowed on the river in order to reach parity with other outfitters who want to float that stretch.

Unless I'm reading this wrong:

Fish, Wildlife and Parks officials are recommending that the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission on Thursday reject a petition calling for a prohibition on commercial floating on certain days of the week and when the water drops below a particular level.
I think it is a good idea. There is no reason to float this river below 600 cfs. The channel is narrow and your dragging boats all day. A few years ago no one floated during these low flows but now guides are floating year round. It is a awsome walk and wade river but constant boat traffic at low flow can ruin a waders day
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