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Boulder Hunting Ban

When you break it down into numbers it makes it really easy to understand why your comment is correct.

Only ~6% of the general population hunts.

Wildlife is held in trust for everybody. This means the ~94% of the general public who doesn't hunt has a say in what kind of wildlife management they prefer.

Wildlife management has historically been highly tailored towards the minority 6% of the general population.

Sitting at ~6% it is incredibly stupid to attack the majority ~94% with lewd, ignorant comments. At the very least, it puts the crosshairs on the 6% and can easily open the conversation for a different model of wildlife management / conservation.

I'm of the mindset that NAMWC is already on it's way out and we will see this unfold over the next couple decades, hunters have shot themselves in the foot too many times.
Lewd comments? Really? Didn’t see any comments that were offensive in a sexual, vulgar way. Ignorant? Possibly, but I believe that’s a bit of a stretch also. Do I believe that insulting non-hunters is counter-productive, absolutely. But eliminating hunting on public land over bogus “safety” concerns is just completely dishonest. Plenty of places implement “archery-only” zones where safety with regard to firearms is a legitimate concern. I don’t see hunters “attacking” anyone. Here in Colorado we are just trying to preserve what we have left of our hunting traditions and heritage. The only tangible “attacks” is the onslaught of anti-hunting initiatives backed and funded by wealthy national organizations. Since we are talking about minority populations and public trust, Boulder county makes up roughly 5% of the population of Colorado (based on 2022 data) and yet they basically drive all the major wildlife management decisions in Colorado through their influence with the Governor’s office. Every DNR/CPW appointment and top down wildlife management from Polis falls in line with Boulder interests, to the detriment of many rural and suburban residents from other parts of the state. I believe the NAMWC is an incredibly successful model that has overwhelmingly benefited all wildlife and citizens of this country. I strongly believe it is worth defending and it would be hard to persuade my otherwise. We may have to just agree to disagree on that one.
Lewd comments? Really? Didn’t see any comments that were offensive in a sexual, vulgar way. Ignorant? Possibly, but I believe that’s a bit of a stretch also. Do I believe that insulting non-hunters is counter-productive, absolutely. But eliminating hunting on public land over bogus “safety” concerns is just completely dishonest. Plenty of places implement “archery-only” zones where safety with regard to firearms is a legitimate concern. I don’t see hunters “attacking” anyone. Here in Colorado we are just trying to preserve what we have left of our hunting traditions and heritage. The only tangible “attacks” is the onslaught of anti-hunting initiatives backed and funded by wealthy national organizations. Since we are talking about minority populations and public trust, Boulder county makes up roughly 5% of the population of Colorado (based on 2022 data) and yet they basically drive all the major wildlife management decisions in Colorado through their influence with the Governor’s office. Every DNR/CPW appointment and top down wildlife management from Polis falls in line with Boulder interests, to the detriment of many rural and suburban residents from other parts of the state. I believe the NAMWC is an incredibly successful model that has overwhelmingly benefited all wildlife and citizens of this country. I strongly believe it is worth defending and it would be hard to persuade my otherwise. We may have to just agree to disagree on that one.
I agree with a lot of what both of you have said. I lived and went to school in Boulder for a while.

At the end of the day it comes down to messaging and the hunting community has only started to realize that in the last couple years. We are too busy arguing about caliber, brand, or type of instrument that flings arrows to have a central unified message of the benefits hunting provides. The efforts and energy going into the mountain lion stuff is a great start that needs to continue and increase.
Lewd comments? Really? Didn’t see any comments that were offensive in a sexual, vulgar way. Ignorant? Possibly, but I believe that’s a bit of a stretch also. Do I believe that insulting non-hunters is counter-productive, absolutely. But eliminating hunting on public land over bogus “safety” concerns is just completely dishonest. Plenty of places implement “archery-only” zones where safety with regard to firearms is a legitimate concern. I don’t see hunters “attacking” anyone. Here in Colorado we are just trying to preserve what we have left of our hunting traditions and heritage. The only tangible “attacks” is the onslaught of anti-hunting initiatives backed and funded by wealthy national organizations. Since we are talking about minority populations and public trust, Boulder county makes up roughly 5% of the population of Colorado (based on 2022 data) and yet they basically drive all the major wildlife management decisions in Colorado through their influence with the Governor’s office. Every DNR/CPW appointment and top down wildlife management from Polis falls in line with Boulder interests, to the detriment of many rural and suburban residents from other parts of the state. I believe the NAMWC is an incredibly successful model that has overwhelmingly benefited all wildlife and citizens of this country. I strongly believe it is worth defending and it would be hard to persuade my otherwise. We may have to just agree to disagree on that one.
I’m not saying a lot of it isn’t bogus, and I also think NAMWC is great and wildly successful in a lot of ways. My statement was generalized and not specific to this circumstance. In Oregon our last two governors have been women and gay. Colorado’s gov is gay. I’ve heard and read a lot of things that make me shake my head in embarrassment.
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Great book based on true story from Boulder, Colorado.

Summation: Citizens want to pet bambi (deer) and pussy cats (cougars).

Biologists and game wardens warn against such actions.

Mountain lions start showing up in yards and eating pets. Mountain lion then eventually attacks and eats high school jogger.

Town citizens then turn vigilante on all mountain lions. Biologists said we told you so!

Sounds like history is repeating itself. Happy hunting, TheGrayRider a/k/a Tom.
+1 - great book!!
Lewd comments? Really? Didn’t see any comments that were offensive in a sexual, vulgar way. Ignorant? Possibly, but I believe that’s a bit of a stretch also. Do I believe that insulting non-hunters is counter-productive, absolutely. But eliminating hunting on public land over bogus “safety” concerns is just completely dishonest. Plenty of places implement “archery-only” zones where safety with regard to firearms is a legitimate concern. I don’t see hunters “attacking” anyone. Here in Colorado we are just trying to preserve what we have left of our hunting traditions and heritage. The only tangible “attacks” is the onslaught of anti-hunting initiatives backed and funded by wealthy national organizations. Since we are talking about minority populations and public trust, Boulder county makes up roughly 5% of the population of Colorado (based on 2022 data) and yet they basically drive all the major wildlife management decisions in Colorado through their influence with the Governor’s office. Every DNR/CPW appointment and top down wildlife management from Polis falls in line with Boulder interests, to the detriment of many rural and suburban residents from other parts of the state. I believe the NAMWC is an incredibly successful model that has overwhelmingly benefited all wildlife and citizens of this country. I strongly believe it is worth defending and it would be hard to persuade my otherwise. We may have to just agree to disagree on that one.

so but here we are again.

the safety concerns are not bogus. the rec shooting in the boulder foothills has been problematic for a long time and the sugarloaf area is a terrible, terrible place for rec shooting. so the safety concerns are valid. if i lived there i would've been sending e-mails to try and shut it down too.

hunting involves shooting, so they just probably decided to sweep it in without much thought. i wonder how many hunters initially commented when they did that? probably not very many and the ones that did probably just used up their word space insulting everyone; i fear a lot of the commenters on this go around did the same. why would anyone want to throw the hunting community a bone on this? as a broad community we generally come off as such a giant group of arrogant unintelligent assholes (see wolf in wyoming bar) i'm surprised we can still hunt in as much of the boco foothills as we can.
so but here we are again.

the safety concerns are not bogus. the rec shooting in the boulder foothills has been problematic for a long time and the sugarloaf area is a terrible, terrible place for rec shooting. so the safety concerns are valid. if i lived there i would've been sending e-mails to try and shut it down too.

hunting involves shooting, so they just probably decided to sweep it in without much thought. i wonder how many hunters initially commented when they did that? probably not very many and the ones that did probably just used up their word space insulting everyone; i fear a lot of the commenters on this go around did the same. why would anyone want to throw the hunting community a bone on this? as a broad community we generally come off as such a giant group of arrogant unintelligent assholes (see wolf in wyoming bar) i'm surprised we can still hunt in as much of the boco foothills as we can.
I think I understand your sentiment but I try to refrain from casting a large community as arrogant, unintelligent assholes. Pretty certain the Boulder power brokers are looking to eliminate hunting and gun ownership to the extent possible. And I find it hard to believe that their intent is based on the actions of hunters. I find it concerning this common theme that hunters are at fault for any and all anti-hunting initiatives across the country. Do individual hunters do dumb stuff? Of course. Is that the basis for the anti-hunting organizations and initiatives across the west? Absolutely not.
I think I understand your sentiment but I try to refrain from casting a large community as arrogant, unintelligent assholes. Pretty certain the Boulder power brokers are looking to eliminate hunting and gun ownership to the extent possible. And I find it hard to believe that their intent is based on the actions of hunters. I find it concerning this common theme that hunters are at fault for any and all anti-hunting initiatives across the country. Do individual hunters do dumb stuff? Of course. Is that the basis for the anti-hunting organizations and initiatives across the west? Absolutely not.

But elected officials are at the mercy of majority non hunting voting public.

If I was on the outside looking in on hunting forming opinions based on what is often seen in the media about hunting I’m not sure I’d be too supportive of it.

As an unabashed generally conservative voting hunter myself I’m not always sure I wan to be associated with or supportive of hunting. I don’t like what I see more often than not everywhere I go, and whenever I think it’s getting better I feel like something g happens that makes it worse

I don’t think as many folks who live in Boulder are as anti hunting as we’re led to believe
But elected officials are at the mercy of majority non hunting voting public.

If I was on the outside looking in on hunting forming opinions based on what is often seen in the media about hunting I’m not sure I’d be too supportive of it.

As an unabashed generally conservative voting hunter myself I’m not always sure I wan to be associated with or supportive of hunting. I don’t like what I see more often than not everywhere I go, and whenever I think it’s getting better I feel like something g happens that makes it worse

I don’t think as many folks who live in Boulder are as anti hunting as we’re led to believe
Agree to disagree. I see hunting making a positive impact in many people’s lives and I see hunters making an overall positive impact. Are we perfect? No, but I see more good than negative.

You may be correct about folks in Boulder, I don’t have any definitive polling/survey data. I think most people base that on their elected officials, which have been openly anti-hunting- Jared Polis and Sonya Jaquez Lewis (sole sponsor of 2022 proposed mtn lion hunting ban).
Just saw this one in a BHA email. Thanks for highlighting this. As goes Boulder….. so goes Colorado. They have the current Governor and may have the next. I just wish the Boulder anti-gun, anti-hunting zealots would be honest. Just admit that you despise gun owners and hunters and you are looking to impose your views on everyone else and the rest of Colorado if able…. Safety concerns? With bow and arrows? Come on now.

Thanks for posting just blasted this off to 12 of my friends as well. I was familiar with the sugarloaf closure. I was not aware they were trying to expand or in this case repeal it. As someone who grew up recreating in this area it should happen, and yes I would support a rec shooting closure, but not a hunting ban. I think it comes from an annoyance stand point. My family has a cabin that backs to NF and some days in the summer there will be rec shooting from sun up to sun down. I get it I love me some 2A and I love to shoot, but I’ll be damned if it’s not pretty dang annoying…
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But elected officials are at the mercy of majority non hunting voting public.

If I was on the outside looking in on hunting forming opinions based on what is often seen in the media about hunting I’m not sure I’d be too supportive of it.

As an unabashed generally conservative voting hunter myself I’m not always sure I wan to be associated with or supportive of hunting. I don’t like what I see more often than not everywhere I go, and whenever I think it’s getting better I feel like something g happens that makes it worse

I don’t think as many folks who live in Boulder are as anti hunting as we’re led to believe
Eh they are pretty anti hunting these days my family is from Boulder, if they have lived there for 30-40 years plus they might be kind of normal but boulder is a weird amalgamation of ultra rich progressives from the coasts these days
Thanks for posting just blasted this off to 12 of my friends as well. I was familiar with the sugarloaf closure. I was not aware they were trying to expand or in this case repeal it. As someone who grew up recreating in this area it should happen, and yes I would support a rec shooting closure, but not a hunting ban. I think it comes from an annoyance stand point. My family has a cabin that backs to NF and some days in the summer there will be rec shooting from sun up to sun down. I get it I love me some 2A and I love to shoot, but I’ll be damned if it’s not pretty dang annoying…
I get people worry about the rifle fire on sugarloaf and up lefthand. You know what’s more annoying is the dirty stinkin’ homeless hippies in that town. Shooting up drugs in broad daylight at broadway and canyon every single day. Shittin in the park there and bathing in the river if they bathe at all. Not to mention how they drive over there. I’d say it’s more dangerous to drive through Boulder than live on sugarloaf. Just a guess.
Hunting is not the issue there in Boulder County. What, did these people already forget the Marshall Fire? Strictly enforced zoning, funding fuels management/defensible space. New safeguards for power wire containment (maybe bury more). Close up and monitor those old coal mines. All of this what they should do now so as to have a Boulder in the future. Look at the residents who FAFO in other parts of the country. Can people afford insurance anymore in coastal Florida if it’s even offered? Harris County, TX has been buying out riverside homes because everybody knows they’ll flood, again. Tying up government time with banning hunting is a reckless diversion from the real threats to Boulder County.

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