Bottle or Cans....Am I crazy?

It seems to depend on the beer for me: Grain Belt Premium bottle all day, Banquet I like it out of can slightly better than a bottle. Most craft beers I’d rather drink from a bottle.
I only have 1 beer per year as my wife placed restrictions on my intake.
In my younger days I preferred cans because it was just easier to clean up after a party, less broken glass, etc.
My one beer per year comes in a glass, a big glass.
Regardless of brand or flavor. Which one do you prefer? Bottles or cans.

I for some reason feel like it taste better in bottles....I feel like it taste crisper, fresher, and stays cold longer. I recently made a post asking about Rainier beer in bottles and some people were shell shocked it mattered lol. Just my opinion but it is what I prefer.

I'm currently snowed in here in Wyoming and have nothing better to do obviously....
Tell you what...pour them both into a glass and see if you can tell the difference :)
I'd have to have a side by side blind taste test to see if there really is a difference in taste between cans and bottles.
I do prefer bottles but there are heavy and take up a lot more room in the cooler than cans.
I found this study and I guess it really is all in our minds.



The results of this study confirmed what was already known both in the literature and in casual conversations that people tend to prefer beer that is from a bottle compared with beer from a can. Even if the beer is poured into a “neutral” packaging type like a plastic cup in an effort to remove any potential confounding factors that the packaging itself might have on the results, people still preferred the beer from the bottle compared with beer from a can when they could see the original packaging format. What was most interesting, however, was that when you take away any knowledge of the beer and what the original packaging format was, the preference for bottled over canned beer disappears. So, in essence, your preference for bottled beer over canned is likely all in your head.
Aluminum is infinitely recyclable. Glass is an infinite scar on the land (and on your foot if you are unlucky enough to walk on some barefoot).
I feel that the
Can opening creates more carbonation fizz than the bottle and I would feel more bloated quicker drinking out of cans. Bottles pour smother .

Tap is great, but I find myself at bars less and less, so I forget about it. Not cool enough to have a tap in my house yet.
I didn't until this Christmas...

Aluminum is infinitely recyclable. Glass is an infinite scar on the land (and on your foot if you are unlucky enough to walk on some barefoot).
Glass is more recyclable than aluminum cans and also has a significantly lower footprint than aluminum.
bottles make better spitters, cans don't break, bottles let light through, cans are more space efficient, sometimes you knock your front teeth with a bottle

there is no one size approach here.

i don't drink beer or chew tobacco anymore tho.

however i do prefer my hard seltzers out of a can

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