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Boston Marathon - bombs explode at finish

Condoning torture? If hes guilty, he deserves to hang. Of couse there is no death penalty in Mass., so that wont be an option. Torture is wrong regardless of what he did, and being a US citizen he deserves a fair trial.
Hopefully he spills. I have a feeling they didn't think this crap up on their own.

Which is exactly why they used the exception and waived Miranda. They have this kid dead to rights, but they want to know who's pushing his buttons.

Thoughts and Prayers to all the victims and their families.
Condoning torture? If hes guilty, he deserves to hang. Of couse there is no death penalty in Mass., so that wont be an option. Torture is wrong regardless of what he did, and being a US citizen he deserves a fair trial.

I'm for whatever means necessary to illicit answers from this punk - citizen or not. Pretty clear that he had some help and direction, beyond his brother, in this whole deal.
Condoning torture? If hes guilty, he deserves to hang. Of couse there is no death penalty in Mass., so that wont be an option. Torture is wrong regardless of what he did, and being a US citizen he deserves a fair trial.

It's legal to torture and kill terrorists. Citizen or not. It's one of the reasons he wasn't given his Miranda rights.
It's legal to torture and kill terrorists. Citizen or not. It's one of the reasons he wasn't given his Miranda rights.

So your telling me its legal to torture and kill a "terrorist" without trial? Who gets to decide who a terrorist is?
So your telling me its legal to torture and kill a "terrorist" without trial? Who gets to decide who a terrorist is?

It depends.

There was a specific list when GW Bush was President. Now, it's unclear. Obama has rescinded some of the executive orders, but the Patriot Act still has an affect on domestic terrorists.
The Patriot Act needs to be repealed. Last I checked, the U.S. Constitution is still the law of the land.
The Patriot Act needs to be repealed. Last I checked, the U.S. Constitution is still the law of the land.

I agree that we should not pick and choose which Rights the Government can infringe upon.

That said, in 1789 when the Bill of Rights was written, suspect number 2 wouldn't have made it out of that boat alive...
...from dustin's link. As I understand, under federal prosecution statutes the death penalty can be sentenced.

"This is not a foreign national caught on an enemy battlefield, but an American citizen arrested on American soil," Schiff said. "The Justice Department has demonstrated a far greater ability to successfully prosecute suspected terrorists in federal courts than the military commissions have thus far been able to show. Nothing must be done to compromise the public safety, the ability of prosecutors to seek justice for the victims or our constitutional principles."
"America! What a country!" Media is already trying to make victims out of the poor little terrorists. Shoulda let #2 bleed out in the boat.
"America! What a country!" Media is already trying to make victims out of the poor little terrorists. Shoulda let #2 bleed out in the boat.

Oh no Paul, he needs to talk, write, or tap a ton of answers. These two are the tip of the iceberg to follow. Interrogate and amp up deterrants IMO.
Not sure many knew this :
'The Office of Health and Human Services in Massachusetts confirmed a Boston Herald report Wednesday that Tamerlan, his wife and toddler daughter had received welfare benefits up until last year, when he became ineligible based on family income. The state also says Tamerlan and his brother received welfare benefits as children through their parents while the family lived in Russia'.
