

Excellent story and excellent pics moosie. Way to go!! Very impressive on the first couple of camcorder shots.
Technically it wasn't the "last day" of the season, tomorrow was.. BUT I couldn't make it out this week.... So It might as well of been.

I had to confess so that detective "280" wouldn't spend all afternoon reading the Idaho regs so he could find something wrong in my Posting like the YETTI post in the big game section :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Any Bull is a good Bull!!! Nice elk Moosie!! So, So much better than tag soup!!! I ain't been on here in awhile, Got in a real Bad car wreck and messed myself up pretty bad!! No huntin for me!! Wish I was out chasin Whitetails!!! It's killin me being laid up!!! But way to go!! Congrats again!! Elk Steaks WHOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!
Dude, I couldn't even wait to see a pic of him?!?! Can you post one "1" good pic of him so I can see it?

Congrats Moosie, how cool will it be to get 2 bulls this year?!?! Go gettum in MT!
Horn seeker, If thou hast not pacience to wait for great things on HuntTalk, thou will perrish in the hills for hunting.....

Pacience is a virtue.....

All good things come to those that wait....

Virginity is like bubble... one PRICK, all gone...

(OK, the last one might not fit in here ;))
I guess I will not be blessed with viewing your dead bull! Did see a number of pics, but after 10 mins or so I gave up, place the last 5 were red X's.

Congrats anyhow!
H.S. .. Becasue it's you.... YOU have mail
nice bull, good pics,
Don't know waht the whinings about, only took a coupla seconds to see them all come up....Ya headed to MT to get a real one now?
Way to go Moosie....
Maybe you will get the spike you alway's dreamed of when you come up again..One can only hope... :D

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