PEAX Equipment

Boots that don’t leak.

This is an example of the only boot that won't leak.


Every leather hiking boot is going to get moisture, not just from the seams, but from your foot sweat, and moisture on your pant legs wicking down your socks. When I hunt in the Fall and anticipate wet conditions, I do pac boots and removable liners. Rotating liners every other day is ideal.

Don't ask a leather boot to be Waterproof. You are setting them up to fail.

I’d never seen this one. But this is how I waterproof. It blows my mind how many people old and young, that tell me I’m an idiot when I say get your 500 dollar boots soaked before waterproofing. It works!
Ive been doing exactly this, only thing I do additional is get them nice and warm either with a hair dryer or out in the sun on the back deck to help soak in the conditioner/water proofer
Hoffman Armor Pros have been my wet weather boots for a bit. They are way too warm for summer use and aren't as stiff as the Hoffman Explorers that I wear but in 2 years of wearing them they've never gotten wet inside. I do pair them with gaiters when in wet vegetation. IMO my pair runs not quite 1/2 size large.

Hoffman Armor Pros have been my wet weather boots for a bit. They are way too warm for summer use and aren't as stiff as the Hoffman Explorers that I wear but in 2 years of wearing them they've never gotten wet inside. I do pair them with gaiters when in wet vegetation. IMO my pair runs not quite 1/2 size large.

Those look bad ass in the wet snow.
I discovered SealSkinz socks and they will keep your feet dry even when your boots are wet.

I wore them duck hunting in NZ in wet paddocks, walking in puddles wearing only sealskins and crocs.

I've worn them with leaky waders and although my wader boot was sloshing with water my feet were dry.

I wear wool or cotton socks with the sealskins covering them.

Get the knee high socks

I discovered SealSkinz socks and they will keep your feet dry even when your boots are wet.

I wore them duck hunting in NZ in wet paddocks, walking in puddles wearing only sealskins and crocs.

I've worn them with leaky waders and although my wader boot was sloshing with water my feet were dry.

I wear wool or cotton socks with the sealskins covering them.

Get the knee high socks

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That is a beautiful pacific black duck!
For me the biggest thing for dry boots is an all leather upper. I don’t mind a rubber rand however as soon as you start adding nylon panels and more seams …they leak. I have had Solomon’s and Lowa leak right out of the gate.

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