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Book Learning

Rich Higgins

New member
Jul 6, 2003
Scottsdale, Az.
Schools of all sorts, colleges and universities have been aware for some time that books are rather helpful in the teaching and learning process. Hope Ryden said in her wonderful book "God's Dog" that "Coyote lore abounds, but I found hard facts difficult to come by". That's no longer true. I have a pretty good sized library of books and studies, some excellent, some not. A lot of information about coyote ecology and behavior can be utilized in the field by callers and some of that which can't be used is still helpful in understanding the nature and history of this little guy. The significance of Rich Cronk's home town of Council Bluffs, Ia in the history of the coyote is available through "book learning". Some of my favorites are "God's Dog", "Seasons of the Coyote" Harrison, "Coyote: Predator and Survivor" Cadieux, "Coyote" Meinzer, "Track of the Coyote" Wilkinson, and "Predator Caller's Companion" Blair. Do any of you have any favorites?
Rich,obviously I need to get to the library,I don't own a single book on coyotes or predator hunting.

Question,of the books you've listed,which are out of print and which are still available to the consumer ?
I only have one. "Coyote Hunting Farm Style" I think the author is running around here somewhere.
I have a small libary mostly from school and my ADC days. "predator callers companion"Blair, "Dog days" Johnson, "God's dog"H.Ryden, "Coyote" Meinzer and of course crow womans book. With the exception of Sheri's book I haven't looked at them sence colledge. I never have time to.

grins... yes, I too have a few copies of "Coyote Hunting Farm Style"

I have no other books, although I would love to. I spend most of my reading on these boards, magazines, researching on the computer, talking with people and being out there with the coyote. That information I can retain, comprehend and make better use out of.

Why, you might ask, all my life I've had a problem with reading comprehention and dyslexia. So small spirts of reading, although I might have to re-read a few times are easier to retain. That is one very strong reason why I value these boards so much amongst all of you experts out here. It's just enough bits and pieces that I can comprehend.
Seldom Ever
"Question,of the books you've listed,which are out of print and which are still available to the consumer"
Dick, Many are out of print but that's OK, because as used books they are sold for just a few dollars. I cruise Abril, Abe, and Amazon about once a month and I see most of those books at any given time.
Addition to the list of favorites. Gerry Blair just sent me an autographed copy of "Hunting Predators-Proven Tactics That Work" by Gordy Krahn and it is a dandy
Thanks Rich,much obliged,I'll be ordering those soon,a credit card is a wonderful thing,heh-heh-heh...
Life of The Coyote & It's Survial In The Wild
Mistakes made by Most Callers Both by Slim Pedersen
The Clever Coyote by Stanley Young out of print
Coyotes:Biology, Behavior and Management by Marc Bekoff.
smile.gif currently shows three used hardcover copies of The Clever Coyote and four paperback. A hard book to come by anymore. I got a copy from my folks while in college. beckoff's is a good reference as well.
Rob, I still don't have the Slim Pederson book. I didn't list Marc Bekoff's book because I categorize it in research and studies, but it is a must have for anyone interested in learning about the coyote. If I remember correctly it was either you or Lance {CDog) that turned me on to it.
Well now in my personal opinion, as a totally uneducated yote hunter....
*grins* Sorry I just had to put a plug in for her.
On the subject though, now a days it seems if you look hard enough you can find all the info you need at a well stocked book store or local library. I like the internet too, but you really gotta be careful what you take in online. For instance never take anything that Dan says as the truth... HEHEHEHEHE
Love, Raven
Hi There Baby... I take it you didn't have to close? It's nice to see you finally surface
Ya know, I'm gonna hafta start charging you for your bragging rights
My book " Mistakes made in 44 years of calling". Will be coming out this Fall.

I suggest you get the trailer mounted addition it is 64, 794,583 pages long. With very few kill pictures.
Can we buy that one chapter at a time? and If we miss a chapter can we order it later or are you only doing one run..LOL

On seccond thought can I just buy the last chapter to see if I want to read the hole thing


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