Caribou Gear

Bob Cat painting

No, the pelicans was completed before turkey season. This cat is my summer project. Between riding every weekend and the heavy work load i am hoping to be done by the 1st week in August. May 170 hours in this.
No, the pelicans was completed before turkey season. This cat is my summer project. Between riding every weekend and the heavy work load i am hoping to be done by the 1st week in August. May 170 hours in this.

Sorry Dave, I meant between post #38 and 39.
A few hours this evening

This is taking on the burnt forest look with fresh growth and low area of needle grass.
With out much more background it's difficult for none outdoors people to see the difference. But I'm working it the best I can.
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Thanks No. Just got back from Hooters , Thursday night bike night with a few friends , they did not have to twist my arm to mush to stop painting and go for a ride. :)
Riding to Cooper's in Ft Worth Saturday for some good barbecue. Weather forecast clear and around 90....a cool spell for us. Decent bike weather.
That makes a huge difference in perception from yesterday's picture. I was worried that the foreground branches were too vivid. Now they are there under the camo of grass, ready to trip up the next unwary human bush whacking through the woods.

I have wondered if ever put hidden critters in your portraits ? I have imagined a mouse hiding in the crack in the log just lateral to his front left paw. .
Thanks for the update Dave.
Sure wish dad was still alive to see this one! Oh the futures he played on those skins back in the day! He could have as many as 15 in the freezer to see what the market was going to do. More often than not he would miss the uptick and not have enough time to thaw them out and get them on a stretcher. He just liked taking in *fresh* ones to sell.
You create some awesome artwork, Dave. Reminds me of a Bobcat I saw in a little taxidermy shop in Black Diamond, WA this spring. The taxidermist had that cat draped over a tree branch, intently looking at something on the ground, but the expression on the cat's face said that he was too full/lazy/and or content to bother with getting off his perch to check it out further. If I ever get a bobcat, I will definitely take it there, sorry can't remember the name at this time.

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