Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Bob Cat painting

I will admit, at Post 14 I was thinking it was way too orange for a bobcat. But the more you work on it, the better it gets. Looking forward to your next update.
JMHO, but I am guessing the background will be fairly dark and he wants the contrast. Dave, if I am wrong let me know.

sort of. He's traversing a fallen burnt log with a big root system in the bad ground. and I'm still thinking through the rest. not sure it I want a creek bank or what yet. The reference pic is another blurred out shot. I don't do blurred

The wife kept asking me why I was not painting yesterday evening all the while at the same time asking for help weeding the flower beds. I helped her and said ; the painting the wait dear...... :) scored so big points their.
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Nothing like a little *forced labor* to accrue a few house points. I have to keep reminding myself of that.

sort of. He's traversing a fallen burnt log with a big root system in the bad ground. and I'm still thinking through the rest. not sure it I want a creek bank or what yet. The reference pic is another blurred out shot. I don't do blurred

The wife kept asking me why I was not painting yesterday evening all the while at the same time asking for help weeding the flower beds. I helped her and said ; the painting the wait dear...... :) scored so big points their.
Getting some woek done on this today after a half day in the shop. Time to go see the Fireworks. I was able to start the back today.
How many manhours so far Dave? This'n looks labor intensive. How does it compare to the seaside/dock & birds scene timewise?
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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